Image-ready help needed...


New Member
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to make pictorial slide show avatars using multiple images. I've tried importing a folder of images, but it won't let me save it as an optimised gif, instead saving it as a jpeg option. I KNOW I'm doing something wrong, but I dunno what it is! Help!
could be the 'optimize' tab (go to tab and switch from jpeg to gif)... has to have the dropdown style choosen for 'save optimized' under 'file' to show gif
Y'know, you'd think that after mucking around with some of the GIS packages at uni, that image-ready would be easy... can't believe I didn't check that. *smacks forhead*

Thanks for the piccy abnormal, but I figured it out as soon as brownie mentioned the optimised tab. heh. :blush: