in exactly 40 minutes ...

oooh....i'm sorry. good luck and i hope you don't have to have any of those nasty x-rays.
*gags just thinking about them
with all the technology these days ... can't they think of something better than sticking those big ass things in my mouth to xray my teeth? :alienhuh:
kuulani said:
with all the technology these days ... can't they think of something better than sticking those big ass things in my mouth to xray my teeth? :alienhuh:
Dentists are sadists. I think it's in the bylaws.
I hate dentists but I really need to go to one. My overbite was never fixed as a kid and due to all the bad things I have done for my teeth and grinding my teeth in my sleep, part of my molar broke off. It sucks.
well ... that was relatively easy.
the doctor asked if i ever thought about whitening my teeth.
yes, i have yellow-stained coffee teeth :gmorning:
I can't believe you said the 'D' word, ku'u ... you know I think they're the Evil Spawns of Satan!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ~flees for the hills~
nalani said:
I can't believe you said the 'D' word, ku'u ... you know I think they're the Evil Spawns of Satan!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ~flees for the hills~
what she said.
i'd love to have my teeth whitened and the gap between my front 2 teeth fixed- but christ on a crutch, they charge alot of money!
PrincessLissa said:
I want to whiten my teeth. I just can't see me ever having the money to do so.

it costs $500 here for an in-office treatment & $300 for a prescription to do it at home ... i wish i had a spare $500 lying around, but since i don't i guess i'll have to live with my not-whitened teeth :brush: