In four days,

I guess a day isn't too early. :hbd: :hbd: :hbd:
Now, walk up to her, look deep into her eyes and say, "Wanna screw?" An acquaintance assures me this works one time in ten, haven't tried it myself. Theoretically though, if you ask ten women, you will get laid for your birthday (always assuming you aren't beaten to death first). :beerbang:
chcr said:
Theoretically though, if you ask ten women, you will get laid for your birthday
my one friend also has this theory.. but figures if it doesn't come try, he'll turn gay and work his way around there... *hangs head in shame* I really hope my group of buddies don't want me to take one for the team... again :eek5:


:hbd: :headbng2:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
tommyj27 said:
Shadowfax said:
heh...if he gets that for his 18th birthday, then what will you do with people (for instance, me) who turn 21? :brow:
i didn't get shit for my 21st birthday, not even a headache or a swift kick in the ass:mope:

I got to work for my 21st bday. I didn't get my headache until the day after though...;)

That reminds me of class Thursday. This guy and girl sat behind me talking through class and I was kinda paying attention to both their conversation and the profs (big lecture hall). You could tell he was really putting is mack down. I heard him say something like "So I heard your birthday was last week....have fun?"

She's like, "yeah my family and I went out, it was nice."

"Oh that's still living at home then?"

"Yeah, since I work so much I hardly see my parents or my brother or anything, so its kinda nice."

"Yeah, I sometimes wish I was still living at home."

"Well its cheaper.....I don't really have a need to move out, being only 18 and all.."

All of a sudden, the guy coughs and goes "18?! You just turned 18 ok....."

The guy seemed to be in his late 20s early 30s...I found it funny as hell the way he took the news of her could hear the disappointment.....

...ok, so you had to be there, but it was hilarious. :rofl: