Indefinite Detention

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I can't watch seven minutes of him & her.

I can say that, given the situation, we're not breaking the law nor are we violating our Constitution.

We are at war. These people are unlawful combatants. They are not covered by our Constitution. They aren't US citizens. They were not detained by officers of the law. They were not apprehended on US soil. They aren't being held in the US. Therefore, they are not subject to the laws of our nation.

They were captured by the military in a war theatre. They are not covered by the UN nor the Geneva Convetions. In fact, they are specifically denied rights under the GC.

Whether its Bush, Obama or the next President, given the situation, we have the authority & obligation to hold them. The alternate option is simple. Shoot them.
I can say that, given the situation, we're not breaking the law nor are we violating our Constitution.

We are at war. These people are unlawful combatants.
No longer, Obama has stated that it is a criminal matter.

For the record; I'd be happy to let them let swim home from gitmo.
I read what Gonz said since I have no choice but to see it on my screen and it isn't worth comment, as usual.

I agree with her, it's absolutely sickening that such double speech and subverting of our ideals is going on. There is much that bothers me about Obama, and this is central to what bothers me. The nonsense that these folks on this board rail against them man for (mostly surrounding health care and taking care of our own people domestically) is nonsense and I usually support the president in those areas. We need health care reform, we need to stop listening to the lies from the right on these issues, but we also need to take note of garbage like this and hold Obama accountable for these REAL issues. Stuff liek this shoud be getting more attention than it does.
I can't watch seven minutes of him & her.

I can say that, given the situation, we're not breaking the law nor are we violating our Constitution.

We are at war. These people are unlawful combatants. They are not covered by our Constitution. They aren't US citizens. They were not detained by officers of the law. They were not apprehended on US soil. They aren't being held in the US. Therefore, they are not subject to the laws of our nation.

They were captured by the military in a war theatre. They are not covered by the UN nor the Geneva Convetions. In fact, they are specifically denied rights under the GC.

Whether its Bush, Obama or the next President, given the situation, we have the authority & obligation to hold them. The alternate option is simple. Shoot them.

With the Patriot Act, what is to stop them of doing this domestically?
I read that when it passed Congress. I didn't see anything that gave them the authority. Perhaps I miised it?
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