Indian Ocean tsunami warning system by mid-2006

tank girl

New Member
Amazing what a little human initiative amounts to after disaster, huh?

A tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean will be set up by mid-2006 under the leadership of the United Nations, agreed the governmental World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan, on Thursday.

New Scientist
Knee jerk reaction, IMO.
1. Tsunamis are vanishingly rare in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
2. The vast majority fo casualties occurred in Indonesia. It's unlikely that any warning would have arrived quickly enough to make a difference.
3. Given the infrastructure in the affected countries, I wonder how much difference even a timely warning might have made.

Not that I think it's necessarily a bad thing, I just don't think it's the answer everyone seems to be looking for.
to an extent, you're right - however if preventative measures, emergency plans and education about recognising the danger of a tsunami took place, it is possible lives could have been saved - tsunamis and earthquakes ARE unpredictable - the attitude that they were rare in the indian ocean was the excuse that governments used to save investing in such a system in the first place - so it doesn't hurt to make efforts to learn from mistakes, and overcome doubts and assumptions and get disaster risk manegement underway - (unless you have a reliable prophet on hand or something :eyebrow: )

Have you not heard of the stories where people had survived or been saved thanks to the actions of a few that recognised the sea receding as sign of a tsunami and warned everybody to head off to higher ground? In one case, an entire village was saved :shrug:

I think full investigations should be done into animals ability to sense the tsunami coming in a way that humans couldn't- and explore how to make use of that.
Well at least all them peeps didn’t perish for naught.
I heard today the US will setup our own tidal wave
detection net.

Are the latest numbers for those who 'supposedly' perished
in this event to be believed?

Oh and yes in most of those places a warning would have been useless. It's not like the connected society we have here. And the density of population near the coasts there is unimaginable!

TG you still getting paid by the werd ain't ya?
Someone will probably accuse us of trying to plant spy stuff in the water along with the water monitoring gear.
You never know. They might use it ... in 500 or so years. IMHO it's gonna need repaired/replaced long before it's needed.
Didn't somebody report that this was the first tsunami in over a hundred years? By the next one the cables will be all rusty & the head of the UN will be really really rich.