Inky and SnP


New Member
Good luck with your new acquisition. You'll need it.

With a sudden abundance of capable relievers, the Braves have opted to say goodbye to the most tenured member of their bullpen and activate yet another rookie, who should soon be making his Major League debut.

The Braves announced late Thursday afternoon that they had traded right-handed reliever Kevin Gryboski to the Rangers for right-handed pitcher Matt Lorenzo. Assuming Gryboski's spot on the 25-man roster will be left-handed reliever Macay McBride, who will join the team in Arizona on Friday.
You're Gryboski, I'm the dude!

He can't be any worse than what we've been throwing out there the last couple of months. Neither can James Baldwin, who we got on waivers because he wasn't good enough for the Baltimore Orioles, home of Sidney Ponson.
If he can pitch and maintain a pulse, we'll take him.

Since the media decided, largely due to not having Barry Bonds to kick around, to villify Kenny Rogers to a point just short of Jeff Dahmer, we need all the live arms we can get. Ain't gonna matter much anyway though. July is here with its heat, and the Rangers will now perform their annual summer meltdown.

I've said it for twenty years or more. If you are gonna play 81 games a year in that heat, you're a fool if you have even one player on the roster who isn't Latin American. Every last name on the team should end with a Z.
Remember when pro players could be racist, alcoholic, wifebeating, gambling, carousing, sodomizing assholes and get no notice whatsoever because a private life is a private life? What if Ty Cobb played today? Would he ever get into the hall of fame?
We already tried him anyway. Not only did he stink up the ballpark, but I didn't even get to have fun watching fireworks take place between him and Carl Everett. I was disappointed on so many levels.
Great. Just what we needed. Another tempermental slugger.

Hey, guys...up in the owner's booth...they're called pitchers...look into a couple already!
I wouldn't have minded getting a few bench warmers if it meant getting rid of Chan Ho, considering the guy had more value to the Rangers hurt than he did playing.

Personally, I'd like to see how the R.A. Dickey experiment with the knuckleball would work at the major league level.
Dickey's a bust and always will be. He went to college in (shudder) Knoxville, and got hyped to the point that a lot of folks thought he was Nolan Ryan's son, not Doug Dickey's. He ain't impressed me yet. Dump his ass and get somebody who can A) throw strikes and B) withstand the damn heat. I'm telling you, the heat is their worst enemy. Put their lineup in almost any other AL park and watch the pennants pile up.
I just want to see what the knuckleball does for him. It would be especially interesting since he's missing that ligament in his right arm.

And Dickey does throw strikes. They get hit, but he's no Chan Ho in the walk department.
The ligament he's missing is the one that gets replaced during Tommy John surgeries. He was born without it.