Inky, you got an alias?

So I was looking around the site and on one of the pages, it showed a "personal ad of the day"...
The five items I can't live without: "Love, laughter, life, language, and laditudinarians. Go ahead, you know you want to look it up."

So I went to and I did look it up... there is no such word. There's latitudinarians, who are basically people who are religiously open-minded.

So I googled her spelling of it and found this blog busting her chops for being a dumb yet pretentious bitch.

Oh, here's her picture:
nah, Inky's head is more parallel.
That guys head is smaller at the top....little brain I guess.

That guy, unlike Inky, has hollow eyes, there's just nothing there.
nah, Inky's head is more parallel.
That guys head is smaller at the top....little brain I guess.

That guy, unlike Inky, has hollow eyes, there's just nothing there.

Haven't you ever read one of Inky's "jokes?" :devious:
