

Staff member
...I think you should add some pics of your new place to your website.
I'll get to it eventually. I'm too focused on work and getting the old place cleaned out first before I get around to getting everything fully situated at the new place.
I figured it would behoove me to allow myself the whole month to make the transition from the old place to the new one, since I have to get everything moved and the old place cleaned. Of course, with all the rain we've had this month, that's looking more and more like a very wise decision. When it rains, I can't get much moved because I don't want it to get wet... and when it's sunny, I can move but I also have to cover sports events that can't go on when it's raining, which eats up a lot of my no-rain time.
Inkara1 said:
I figured it would behoove me to allow myself the whole month to make the transition from the old place to the new one, since I have to get everything moved and the old place cleaned. Of course, with all the rain we've had this month, that's looking more and more like a very wise decision. When it rains, I can't get much moved because I don't want it to get wet... and when it's sunny, I can move but I also have to cover sports events that can't go on when it's raining, which eats up a lot of my no-rain time.

Isn't that pricey?
It is... I could afford to pay two rents once, but it's not something I could sustain.

Interestingly enough, the owners of the new place have decided to put it on the market. So now I have to wait and see if it sells, and if so, then whether the new owner will want to move in to either my unit or the back unit... and if I get to stay, whether the rent will stay the same or get raised.
...and once I get this place a bit more situated, I'll definitely post some pictures of my front unit. :D
Inkara1 said:
I'm in the front unit, which is the one you can see in the picture. $539,000.

Half a million dollars? :eek13: I just don't see why people continue to pay those outrageous prices. Man, you could get one whopping home for half a million around here.
or buy two and a half here
or five widdle ones any one of which
would be bigger than that