Installing Microsoft Office?


Staff member
When I hit random pages, snopes being one, I get a pop-up telling me I'm installing MS Office, and wanting the CD.
a) I have MS Office installed, but the shortcuts have been removed from the desktop and start menu
b) I haven't asked to 'do' anything, just gone to the site.
c) When I hit Cancel, the page and any links I've followed from it close.
d) IE6, XP Home SP2


wtf is going on? is it a script trying to accomplish something? harmless? not? how do I make it go away? It's fairly new, last few weeks, shortcuts have been way gone longer than that.
probably looking for a particular font or icon that you didn't install. it's that simple and not some horrible spyware out to kill my children and small pets?
When you put the disk in, choose to modify your installation. Then click on the little boxes next to each application that you have installed and choose "run all from hard disk". That should do it.

Unless you want to go through each feature and figure out which one it's looking for. But it doesn't take up a whole hell of a lot of room so I just do the complete installation to prevent from getting that message.

I don't know what it could be looking for because as far as I know, the only office app that's tied to IE is word as the html editor. But I don't see why that would be needed just to visit a website.

But this is a pretty common support call to my help desk.
Leslie said: it's that simple and not some horrible spyware out to kill my children and small pets?

It's Microsoft. If you were dead, Bill wouldn't get mo money. Jeez. :rolleyes:

greenfreak said:
When you put the disk in, choose to modify your installation. Then click on the little boxes next to each application that you have installed and choose "run all from hard disk". That should do it.

Unless you want to go through each feature and figure out which one it's looking for. But it doesn't take up a whole hell of a lot of room so I just do the complete installation to prevent from getting that message.

I don't know what it could be looking for because as far as I know, the only office app that's tied to IE is word as the html editor. But I don't see why that would be needed just to visit a website.

But this is a pretty common support call to my help desk.
Thanks, gf, I'll try that out. Or uninstall it :lloyd:

Luis, :p

(I still don't get what it's doing, but waddever.)