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molṑn labé
Staff member
Give Peace a Chance. Etc, etc.

Some people just don't get the message do they?

Mark Chapman, the man who murdered John Lennon, could be released from jail next month in a move that has sparked fears of retribution from Beatles fans.
Chapman will have a parole hearing in the week beginning 4 October, officials at the New York State Parole Division said. It will be held behind closed doors. However, one official said they had 'no idea' what the outcome of the hearing would be.

But if Chapman is released after 24 years in prison, some Lennon fans have already threatened to take action. News of the parole hearing has spread on the internet and dozens of websites have been filling up with messages from fans around the world, many already promising to take revenge on the man who gunned down Lennon on 8 December 1980 as he arrived at his New York apartment building off Central Park.

'Chapman should be executed. I would gladly get rid of him myself,' wrote a fan from Finland on one website. Another fan has already set up an online petition to have Chapman's parole denied. It is already full of messages that show Chapman's safety outside jail would be difficult to maintain. 'If Mark David Chapman is let out of jail, he wouldn't last a day. There are too many people who want him dead,' wrote a New York-based female fan.

Gonz said:
Give Peace a Chance. Etc, etc.

Some people just don't get the message do they?
Well, since we know listening to Helter Skelter backwards made Manson do the crazy shit he did, maybe listening to Give Peace a Chance backwards comes out to "execute the man who shot me" or something.
I'm having a hard time fathoming that anyone is that angry after all this time. I mean his son, I could see...but just random people? They need help BIGTIME :eek5: