Interesting site...

I typed in my address and zip code (93612) and here are the totals from what it brought up in the cities of Fresno and Clovis:

Bush 131958
Edwards 14550
Lieberman 7950
Dean 7862
Kerry 3700
Gephardt 3000
Clark 1050
Kucinich 200
Sharpton 5
ops... just realized I forgot Kerry... let me add that up real fast

edit: Kerry's added in now
AFAIK, campaign(pain) finance law makes all donations public knowledge :lol: I knew I couldn't say that with a straight face...but they are actually supposed to declare who and how much...
Remember the ex-GF, Stephanie? I typed in her last name and found out she gave $1,000 to W's campaign and her dad gave $2,000. Oddly enough, those names didn't show up in the first search even though they should have.

I also found out that the house for sale I posted on Cato's board is actually a couple houses up the street, not her house. The front looks just about the same, though. :eek:
Inkara1 said:
Remember the ex-GF, Stephanie? I typed in her last name and found out she gave $1,000 to W's campaign and her dad gave $2,000. Oddly enough, those names didn't show up in the first search even though they should have.

I also found out that the house for sale I posted on Cato's board is actually a couple houses up the street, not her house. The front looks just about the same, though. :eek:

So you posted a strangers house, and ratted out contributions by an ex and her father...Does the term stalking mean anything to you? :D
Why I don't trust republicans in the whitehouse...:rolleyes:

Behind the projects
The project was the brainchild of retired Adm. John Poindexter, who was driven from the Reagan administration in 1986 over the Iran-Contra scandal. Some 15 years later, he was summoned back by the Bush administration to develop data-mining tools for the fight against terrorism.
Democrats are no better...They just sugar-coat it a little more, so you don't know that form you signed for the free handouts really cost you your soul...
I meant the oidea of them using Poindexter after claiming Iran-Contra was his own, private shadow government project...:eh: