Interesting tax load take...


Too cute for words

For example, the model indicates that a couple with two children earning $100,000 with $20,000 in itemized deductions would have a net tax bill for 2009 of $9,555 under McCain and $9,002 under Obama. That compares with a $9,505 tax bill for this couple under current law, the site says. In another example, a single taxpayer making $50,000 and using the standard deduction would pay $6,867 under McCain and $6,325 under Obama, compared with $6,827 under current law.

oh i'm sure this is just a big ploy by the obama campaign. because, you know, they control the liberal media!

[2minkey slinks away to go cling to guns and his preferred form of wacky biblical literalism....]
What is missing from the Obama tax "plan" is the increase in taxes when the current laws expire.
So, Obama is going to give me a tax break, eh? I feel better already. I trust the Demonicrats to ease my tax burden.

BTW, where is he going to get the money for all his new programs worth, what, a $1,000,000,000.00 or more? Oh, he is going to stick it to those evil corporations. Yeah, you go Barak, make 'em hurt!! Oh, wait, where do the corporations get their money? What? From me!! Ah crap!! Maybe if I just stop buying groceries and things I will come out ahead.

I really hope he raises the capital gains tax. That will really get this economy moving. After all, you'd be dang fool not to gamble your money in the market knowing that if you win, the government will be right there to partake of the winnings. Of course, they will be no where to be found if you loose.
Frodo, you don't even make any sense. Maybe try contributing something substantial that is based in reality?