Internal Passport: Terror Alert Overload Leads To Call For “No Ride List”


Well-Known Member
Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
May 9, 2011

In the wake of rampant and escalated fears over terror attacks on transport systems in major US cities, and a spate of false alarms, a US Senator is leading the call for a government “no ride list”, that would see potential suspects banned from boarding trains. The move is part of a long-planned agenda to force Americans into accepting an internal passport that they would need to display at security checkpoints littered across the country at so-called “soft target” locations like subways, malls and sports stadiums.

An internal passport for Americans is codified under the December 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, which Congressman Ron Paul warned at the time would, “Allow the government to establish a Soviet-style internal passport system” that would subject “every citizen to surveillance and screening points”.

It’s also about isolating so-called “domestic extremists” under the terms of the MIAC report who will have their freedom of movement restricted and basic liberties such as Second Amendment rights stripped by the federal government. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants people on the “no fly” list, and by extension a “no ride” list, to also be on a “no buy” list and be prevented from purchasing firearms.

Just as the federal government currently maintains a terrorist no fly list, Sen. Charles Schumer is calling for the same rules to apply to Amtrak trains in the US, following the claim that intelligence was recovered from Osama Bin Laden’s computer pointing to apparent spectacular terror plots to target trains.

“Anyone, even a member of al-Qaida could purchase a train ticket and board an Amtrak train without so much as a question asked,” Schumer said. “So that’s why I’m calling for the creation of an Amtrak no ride list. That would take the secure flight program and apply it to Amtrak trains.”

The Democrat Senator from New York says the list is vital in order to prevent future attacks. Critics charge that the move would represent nothing more than an open move towards domestic checkpoints and internal passports.

Last week the government issued an advisory to law enforcement agencies, warning them to increase security around train stations and subways.

Material supposedly gleaned from Osama’s house in Pakistan revealed “an operation against trains at an unspecified location in the United States on the 10th anniversary” of the 9/11 attacks.” reported NBC News.

The advisory claimed al-Qaeda plans “to tip a train by tampering with the rails so that the train would fall off the track at either a valley or on a bridge.”

Yet, it is not clear how the government reached this conclusion, given that according to US officials there are no references to specific plots or to to specific cities, nor is there any imminent threat.

“We have no information of any imminent terrorist threat to the U.S. rail sector, but wanted to make our partners aware of the alleged plotting,” Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said in a statement.”We want to stress that this alleged al-Qaida plotting is based on initial reporting, which is often misleading or inaccurate and subject to change.”

Since the ever increasingly farcical Bin Laden death raid, there has been an overload of paranoia and false terror alarms in major US cities.

A show of force has been initiated at major rail stations with militarized police in camo gear and TSA VIPR teams conducting increased amounts of random warrantless searches.

The following CBS news video highlights these suggestions and notes that such heightened security is the norm in Israel, intimating that the US should follow suit.

There have even been suggestions that security checkpoints could be installed at all “soft target locations” including transport hubs and even department stores. We have long documented the agenda to shift strict airport style security, including radiation firing body scanners, to the streets of America.

The current government terror watch list represents a subversion of the first and fourth amendments, is inherently flawed and, it can be argued, is harmful to the security of the nation.

The list now contains well over one million names, and is exponentially expanding. Reports have confirmed that the watch list contains the names of thousands of innocent Americans, including children, lawyers and even a retired Air National Guard brigadier, now a commercial pilot for a major airline.

In some cases credit reports have been used in calculating the risk score, while the list has also been used to target political activists opposing the death penalty and the Iraq war. Some, including former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel have suggested restricting the constitutional rights of those placed on the list.

Those flagged on the watch list, established pursuant to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, can be blocked from flying, stopped at borders or subjected to other scrutiny.

In 2008, the chairman of a House technology oversight subcommittee warned that the database used to produce the government’s terror watch lists is “crippled by technical flaws,” and the system designed to replace it may be even worse.

In a letter to the inspector general at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) warned that the upgrade “if actually deployed will leave our country more vulnerable than the existing yet flawed system in operation today.”

Critics have charged that the list is already far too expansive to be in any way effective. Expanding the list to include Amtrak trains, as suggested by Senator Schumer, would only add to this problem.

The idea that “members of al Qaeda” could board trains, as Schumer suggests, are predicated on the long debunked notion that there is a sophisticated web of interconnected terrorists operating inside the US. In reality, every single major terror threat to have emerged since 9/11 has been proven to be vastly over hyped, contrived or outright staged at the hands of government intelligence.

Restricting the movement of more innocent Americans and implementing more draconian police state measures will do nothing to increase security and serves only to foster a constant state of fear and unease.

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Wasn't Nineteen Eighty-Four suppose to be a warning, not a guide?