internet at work


Well-Known Member
i found a computer with access!!
that and the fact i have time to sit and post is close to a sign of the apocalypse i believe.
while at work? highly unlikely. a quiet day here is like the planets aligning.

oh no...i said the "q" word.....
Let me tell you a story. This is true i swear by god! I arrived in ketchikan one day with my machine but with no internet access. I decided i was going to try hacking peoples internet accounts. The first thing i did warming up was try to guess a couple of passwords. So i randomly took a name out of a hat. [email protected] and guessed his password, i decided to leave the password field blank knowing sysadmins do that sometimes. BAM!! First guess i got a tech username and password!! No shit this is not a lie!!
I think god knew that if i was on the internet i wouldn't be out getting into trouble. :D
We have internet access, it to is restricted as to what we can get access to. A log is also kept as to what sites every one has been on and when.
If you are found accessing a site that is not work related during working hours you are in trouble.

If you access the staff notice board during working hours - trouble

If the management think that you have sent too many e-mails ( even in your own time ) - trouble

One person was reprimanded for typing a long e-mail, the management said that she could not have typed such a large message in her own time, so she was given a written warning - no proof was presented by the management for such a claim.
thay might yell at me or give me a *gasp* written warning, but i know they wont fire me. not enough of us around. that and the union might have somethig to say about that.

edit: the gasp comment wasn't aimed at you....
Spot said:
thay might yell at me or give me a *gasp* written warning, but i know they wont fire me. not enough of us around. that and the union might have somethig to say about that.

edit: the gasp comment wasn't aimed at you....

If the company has an "Internet Use Policy " and you/Union have agrees to it ,then Breaking it could result in dismissal without recourse.
massachusettes nursing association

i dont know if we have an internet use policy. so few machines have access around here.
Spot said:
massachusettes nursing association

i dont know if we have an internet use policy. so few machines have access around here.

You should try to find out if they do have an 'internet use policy', because as our audit section are fond of saying "Ignorance is no excuse".

We do have one, that is agreed with the union, so if you step out of line -out you go. This is not an empty threat either, five people have been fired in the last couple of months for abusing the e-mail system. :rolleyes:
yeah, i should look into it. thats not a bad idea, however i'm not all that worried about it. its usually WAY too busy to even bother with it. that day i was posting was, by far, the slowest day since i started there last year. i even managed to read a few chapters of my "lunch book".
Well, I don't know what I would do without it. I don't dare say how much time I spend surfing the web at work, it would sound bad. I don't have much else to do though. Oh well. I sure they log where we go an all that, but nobody cares much. Some sites are restricted, but most are not. They did get a little mad about using Kazaa, and stuff like that, but only for security reasons. I
karlwb said:
We have internet access, it to is restricted as to what we can get access to. A log is also kept as to what sites every one has been on and when.
If you are found accessing a site that is not work related during working hours you are in trouble.

If you access the staff notice board during working hours - trouble

If the management think that you have sent too many e-mails ( even in your own time ) - trouble

One person was reprimanded for typing a long e-mail, the management said that she could not have typed such a large message in her own time, so she was given a written warning - no proof was presented by the management for such a claim.

YIKES!!!! I guess I've gotten spoiled working for a software company. We have full internet access with no restrictions whatsoever. True story, one of the developers put over 800mgs of girlie pics on one of the servers - he's still here - that was 5 or 6 years ago.

And even if I didn't work for a software company, I can't imagine having email restrictions. We do a huge amount of our work in email.