Introducing Maia...

The dog (Bailey) is desperately trying to be friends. Thus far, Maia will have NOTHING to do with that!

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. She's such a big baby!! We heard her meowing so we both got up and searched high and low. Finally, we decided to go back to bed and as Ian was turning his light off, there she was, tucked between the wall and his alarm clock watching us idiots run around :D
At the ripe age of 15, you want I should tell him he has girly feet? Me thinks not. PUNK!
What a cute kitty! She has beautiful coloring! She's still a baby but she'll warm up to the pooch eventually. I hope.

Maia means banana in Hawaiian ... when I first saw the title of the thread I was a bit confused :D
Ya - she's slowly warming up to the dog. She now walks past the dog, but keeps her back arched - it's way too cute.

Ku - She IS a banana!! She's so goofy.