IQ test?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a good place to get an IQ test?
I want to see how stupid I am :D
So what do you think is like a normal IQ (aka if i get an IQ of 10 is it good or bad)
IQ tests aren't all they're cracked up to be. For instance i scored very high on my iq test,(enough for mensa) but i took my SAT a few years back and recieved an average score. What does that tell you? The brain works in many different sorts of ways so i wouldn't place to much weight on any single test. However they can be fun. Take note that the questions are often very similer in these tests so if you take 7 or 8 iq tests you'll be learning the formulas and you'll soon be scoring 200+ points which is probably not going to be accurate.
Um, yes apparently there was a hard drive crash, because a ton of posts are missing...

Go to your local MENSA office and ask them to test you. They have extensive tests. :)
I took the mensa tests. :)

Normal IQ levels are supposed to be between 90 and 120 for an adult. But tests have shown that many kids have higher IQs than their parents now possibly due to the type of educational stimulation they get from a young age.
Drink and drugs during pregnancy cause "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" - a common cause of learning difficulties in what would have been an otherwise normal child. A dead giveaway is the smaller than normal cranium - although in mild cases this is not always present - it also causes severe behavioural problems. Sadly social services over here seem to think that leaving kids with these sorts of parents is OK.
Yes the tests online must be screwed up, as I got a 160...
Much higher than normal, but I'm special!
I don't really want to bother with the MENSA office. What's it stand for anyway?
Maybe I will take it when I have a car and can drive there (aka in 3 years...)
Altron said:
What's it stand for anyway?
"mensa" is Latin for table.

Any psychologist should be able to help you too. If you are really interested in knowing your IQ, which everyone should know anyways for various reasons, I would suggest you get it done professionally. MENSA is the easiest way I think. If you score over 148 on the broad spectrum tests, it means you are in the 2% bracket and eligible to join MENSA.

I find MENSA a bit boring though. If you can manage to score over 163 you can join the Promethius Society, but that is very hard, and I don't really like the people either (all of those I met are socialists). But that is just a personal opinion.

Or, for fun, go here: and click on the Test for Exceptional Intelligence. It will not give you an IQ, but if you can solve some of those puzzles your IQ is over 180. Be warned, they are HARD!!
LastLegionary said:
I find MENSA a bit boring though. If you can manage to score over 163 you can join the Promethius Society, but that is very hard, and I don't really like the people either (all of those I met are socialists). But that is just a personal opinion.

I told you, great minds are utopic.
I find MENSA a bit boring though. If you can manage to score over 163 you can join the Promethius Society, but that is very hard, and I don't really like the people either (all of those I met are socialists).

For an organisation that's supposed to be for highly intelligent people they're not exactly adventurous. Far too egocentric most of them as well I found, just liked to talk about themselves and not me. :D

But then I've never been one for joining things - I prefer my own company - I don't like wasting time talking about mundane crap like the weather and can concentrate on more interesting things like the religious practices of the cave bear hunters.
Luis G said:
LastLegionary said:
I find MENSA a bit boring though. If you can manage to score over 163 you can join the Promethius Society, but that is very hard, and I don't really like the people either (all of those I met are socialists). But that is just a personal opinion.

I told you, great minds are utopic.
But not realists. Its fine and dandy to sit there with you IQ of 180 and dream at one gazillion GHz of how wonderful life could be, but that ain't gonna make it happen. Not to mention those people tend to be more ... academic in nature and like the redistribution of wealth. (in general)

And yeah, they're boring as hell.
To me it all still boils down to hanging out with people that you get along with and can be friends through thick and thin. When one is a lofty hyper intelligent individual, one rarely gets along with other hyper intelligent types as their quirks of smugness and mental intractible nature tend to cause rifts and bitterness.... and jealousy.
I've got that problem, I tested at 159, and other smart people just tend to piss me off.
PuterTutor said:
I've got that problem, I tested at 159, and other smart people just tend to piss me off.
:D Better pissed off than pissed on... *pisses PuterTutor off* (I was tested at a similar level.)
No, most people don't. Message boards are usually not a problem for me, sometimes, but not usually. It's the clubs that I don't like, most people in them tend to be pompous asses.
Do what I do, ignore them, or make them get even more pissed off than you :D