Iran needs nukes


molṑn labé
Staff member
So says the enlightened EU coutries & the ever popular & always correct United Nations IAEA. They know so much more than history can teach. Back when the Cold War was being fought, the EU member states were beside themselves with panic & fear. The Russians had nukes...we need a treaty to stop those nukes was the prevailing opinion. Some of the more off the wall opinions demanded, *gasp* disarmament. This from countries that had something to lose. Yet today, in light of all the hoopla surrounding the Axis of Evil & state sponsored (or failing to hinder) terrorism, you find it appropriate to not interfere with a fanatical fundamental muslim government (not of, for or by the people, by the way) in its chase to have nuclear weapons?

I pity the EU. With choices like this, it may not see another century, Or worse, it may see it thru the prism of radiation shielding,

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed El Baradei, is complicating U.S. efforts to pressure Iran into giving up its covert nuclear weapons program, according to U.S. officials.

El Baradei, an Egyptian Muslim, has been director general of the Geneva-based IAEA since 1997.

Officials said his sympathies with Islam have interfered with his ability to deal honestly with the Iranian nuclear program, which some officials say is reaching crisis proportions.

Several European nations, including Britain, France and Germany, also have taken a soft policy toward the Iranian nuclear program, which undermines U.S. government efforts to press Tehran into halting uranium enrichment.

Iran announced recently it would resume uranium enrichment it had halted following the discovery of covert nuclear facilities. U.S. officials believe the facilities are part of a nuclear weapons development program.

Officials said his sympathies with Islam have interfered with his ability to deal honestly with the Iranian nuclear program, which some officials say is reaching crisis proportions.

Hmm... A government official letting personal beliefs cloud their judgement. Who'da thunk it?