Iran Still Not Working on "Nookyaler" Weapons


Well-Known Member
But I thought they are just for peaceful purposes.

Iran Admits It Could Pull Nuke Trigger on US, Israel

For the first time since the expansion of Iran’s nuclear program was exposed in 2002, the Iranian government is dropping the pretense that it is developing nuclear technology purely for peaceful purposes. Iran has developed nuclear war plans to deter U.S. and Israeli aggression and retaliate against it, a top adviser to Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi announced in a strategic analysis.
well, duh. no one really believed the 'peaceful use' shit anyway.

"admits it could pull the nuke trigger" is a silly phrase, though. could, as in, currently has the capability? no, "would" as in "would if they could" at some point in the future when they do have real capability.

nice fear phrasing, newsmax. but, then, i guess you gotta please your audience. :moon:
and everybody thought them Jews were gonna go with
the never again thing.

six million in an afternoon
That’s racist!

Are you folks sayin' ya don’t think the Iranian theocracy will be
proper stewards of a small stockpile of atomic weapons?
well, duh. no one really believed the 'peaceful use' shit anyway.

"admits it could pull the nuke trigger" is a silly phrase, though. could, as in, currently has the capability? no, "would" as in "would if they could" at some point in the future when they do have real capability.

nice fear phrasing, newsmax. but, then, i guess you gotta please your audience. :moon:

I beg to differ. It's a widely understood fact that the most effective use of radioactive waste from power plants is to build 'dirty bombs' ... where a volume of spent fuel is powdered and put like nails on a pipe bomb onto conventional munitions. The conventional weapon is then used in the conventional sense ... but the surrounding area is thereafter contaminated .... as are any people in the area. You see, common uranium isn't really all that dangerous in small doses ... but the wastes from powerplants include such wonders as radioactive iodine ... which the human body quickly absorbs. The results aren't as quick as detonating a plutonium based warhead ... but you still force the enemy to vacate the area, and in the long run, you'll kill almost as many people if untreated .... which drains the enemy's resource base.

Look up entropic-based warfare.
yeah prof i appreciate the potential for dirty bombs, but most of the fear here is about annihilation of entire israeli cities and whatnot - real end of the world stuff - that israel woundn't survive. big nukes.

the dirty bomb thing is slow and incremental, and would receive a military response at the the level of the total capability of israel's forces (read: nukes). probably not quite so satisfying for a mullah with a bug up his ass.

but none of that matters because newsmax had no such sense of subtlety. it's all about arma-fucking-geddon. i think i'm going to start selling bomb shelter kits to suckers.
Iran has enough flour to cook off a few bombs already. Question is do they have the system ?

Iran has kept well ahead of the west with new surprises every once in while, like recently revealing even more operational centrifuges. Each time we discover they are further ahead and bigger then we thought.

There may be no "proof" but there is speculation by some pros that they have already have a trigger. Its reasonable to believe they have the capability to create a simple low yield system. Delivery is different story, a small truck would work if they can get the fissile material into Israel.

Iran has pretty much ran this entire show from the beginning. Another strongly worded letter might work though, you never know.
i think we'll be seeing more than a strongly worded letter. too bad it will be at the direction of a democrat, so you won't really be able to get a full fap going.
Your in good hands with Allstate

Everyone raise their hand that has even
a layman’s understanding about nuclear weapons
their manufacture, methods of deployment
and the subsequent results.


Hah we should promote them Persians joining the
club. I don't think they begin to realize the ramifications.
