A true hero. It does not matter about your politics; the sacrifice this man made for his country, his fellow troops, and his committment to his beliefs is worthy of praise and recognition. Sad that it takes a sacrifice like his to get some people to appreciate what these brave soldiers are doing. It's easy for us to sit back, smug and safe, and nitpick their mission to pieces. These men and women are all someone's child, husband/wife, mother/father, sister/brother. Agree with the reasons they are there or not; thanks to their sacrifices, we have that right.
Many more will die to preserve these rights. Think about that the next time you start to abuse those freedoms and belittle these soldiers, their mission, their leaders, or their cause. It is by their sacrifices that we have the right to say what we say. They are trying to bring that security to a people who have never in their lifetimes known it. For that alone, they are heroes one and all.
Godspeed to them all. Come back safe, with mission accomplished. Those among us big enough to set our opinions aside and recognize what you have done will welcome you with open arms and thankful hearts. Don't let the rest bother you; they know not what they do.