Is Bush more of a figurehead than we realize?

markjs said:
Considering the moronic things he says, is Cheney really pulling the strings in Washington?

I'm sure it's Cheney either, although he certainly seems to be getting what he wants, huh?
freako104 said:
well then who do you think is [pullilng the strings?

I worry that it's really the career bureaucrats. There are a lot of people in the highest levels of government who are not elected, don't serve terms and whom you never hear of. I worry that these are the people that actually wield the power. It sounds like conspiracy theory, I know. It worries me anyway.
it does seem a bit far fetched. im sorry if that seems rude it is not meant to be rude in any way shape or form. but i cant help wonder what these govt officals would be for if the people know not of them
Oh, we know of them, we just don't necessarily know who they are. They're career bureaucrats. They work in the Justice Department, Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve, etc. These guys are in positions of very real power, and they aren't elected and it's almost impossible to fire them. They are employees of the federal government. For instance, who controls the Justice Department? The person appointed by the current administtration who will be out on their ear when the next administration comes in, or the guy who's been running the day to day operations for twenty years? See the point? These people are there freako, we just pay so much attention to the elected guys that we barely know these guys exist. I know it sounds ridiculous, but think about it for a while. What really changes in your day to day life with a change of administration? The stories you see on the news?

Just one more thing to be paranoid about. :D
chcr said:
Everyone knows you only need the tinfoil on your head when your sleeping. :rolleyes:

Your kidding me right?????/ I've be wearing my everywhere to the store, work, school, strip joints (its a hit with the ladies too), come on don't tell me I'm the only one!!! PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE!!!!:nerd:
Squiggy said:
I've always thought of dubya as more of a bobblehead than a figurehead...:eh:

i think there are Bush bobbleheads. they are figures arent they. so he is a figure head. :eek:
rrfield said:
freako104: said:
well then who do you think is [pullilng the strings?
Karl Rove

That is far too close to the truth. On the other side, James Carville had no fewer fingers in the pie.

Wanna change Washington? Take out the parties & make the politician responsible.

[GHW Bush]Not gonna happen[/GHW Bush]
markjs said:
Second against the wall should be the entire executive staff of Fox.

Nah, we don't put them against the wall, we gun them down in the street.