Is it just me or does Samual L Jackson now suck..


Well-Known Member an actor. His performance in XXX was just plain amatureish and i felt that his role in the last star wars movie was at best overacting. I sensed that the role was extremely important to him and it somehow led him astray. Maybe it's just me. I've always liked him though and changing lanes really hit me where so few movies do today. Two bad performances in a row imo. Hopefully not a sign of things to come.
I've thought the same for some time. Even the few lines he did in Star Wars Episode 1 were delivered in a totally amatuer way. Hell, Yoda was a better actor. Not a big fan of Samual L Jackson at all. :shrug:
The 51st State, bit disappointed in his performance in that. Not really anything to write home about. I haven't seen "Changing Lanes" or "xXx" yet, but some of the parts he has been doing haven't been of the same level as most of his previous ones. That paired with his less than brilliant performances does not bode well. I hope he comes out of this lull in his career. :(
Yes, I used to watch for his movies because of the characters he portrayed. Not so much anymore.
Everyone looked bad in in the past two Star Wars movies, especially the second one. It's hard for one actor to do a good job when everyone around him sucks. If the director can give him something to focus on, something that makes the character stand out, he might pull it off. Obi Wan looks good in the first Star Wars, because he's THE Jedi Knight... he's the only one in the movie, and unlike the rest of the cast, he's old, which gives the ability to make grand, mystic pronouncements and get away with it. What does Samuel have in Star Wars II? He's one of several dozen Jedi Knights, and he's second in command to a muppet! The only thing that might make him different is that he's black, but what does that count for in a movie where people have antennae growing out of their heads, and there's no black culture in the movie's universe? They should have canned Jar-Jar, and given Samuel the Jamaican accent-- and maybe some dreadlocks. Then he would have had something to work with!

Anyway, judging an actor by his last two movies doesn't make sense. When you've seen him do good work before, then look at the people who directed him in the movies where he stunk and look at who directed him when he did good work-- that's where the difference lies. It's in the direction and the script he was handed. :eh:
Thats kinda what I was getting at what I was talking about the parts he had done recently. Maybe he's a little uninspired by them, but yes, no matter the calibre of the actor, he/she can't do much if he is in a crap part with crap direction and crap supporting actors. I mean just look at "Any given day" with Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz etc... that film for me was dire and only Al Pacino's performance seemed up to par.
You know I was wondering the same thing. I'll go so far to say that everything since Pulp Fiction was a let down. Unbreakable was ok but the ending was kinda lame and it affected my whole opinion of the movie.

There was a new movie he did recently and I remember the commercial, seeing him in a kilt. I have no idea what the movie was about because I think it opened and closed very quickly. :shrug: