Is it starting?


molṑn labé
Staff member
This appears to be an explainable, isolated incident. Let's hope so.

(New York-WABC, November 6, 2002) — Two patients at a New York City hospital have been diagnosed with a dangerous disease not seen in this region in decades. Eyewitness News has learned that doctors at Beth Israel Medical Center are caring for the two people who have the Bubonic plague.

Get scared
Bah. Its killable with simple antibiotics these days. About 15 people come down with it in the US every year. Its not a big deal anymore.
depends if it, like tb, gets anti-bio resistant. then its atishoo atishoo we all fall down time again
Gonz said:
Professur said:
It's only transmitted through the blood (sound familiar?)

then why are rodents prime carriers?

Actually, Gonz, rodent fleas... ;) Keep yourself, and your area, clean, and you don't have a lot to worry about. Also, if you have pets, flea-bomb your house, and de-flea your pet more often.
ahhhhh, okay, it now makes sense-thanks. I still wanna know where the they got it.
To use a cliche...flea-bag motel. New York still has a few of those around, and if they were afraid to use the facilities...
That can come from either living in conditions that allow infected mice to prosper, being in a profession that brings one to close contact with mice (farms, ranches), or just plain bad luck.

The last mice based disease implosion that I can recall was along the southwest border against mexico on an indian reservation. The traditional hutches with the dirt floors allowed infected field mice easy passage. The disease was in their feces. As the feces dried, the infecton escaped as an airborne dust particulate and embedded in the lungs of the inhabitants.. death was quick.
More than half of the plague cases in the United States are in New Mexico, Frieden said. A wood rat and fleas from the rodent that were found on the couple's property in Santa Fe, New Mexico, tested positive in July for plague, Frieden said.

Stop being alarmist.
west nile is a real concern, but i think bubonic is an isolated incident
The symptoms can be similar, but influenza and West Nile are not the same. Influenza is an airborne disease. West Nile is transmitted by mosquito. And the flu is far worse in terms of sheer number of deaths.

Q: What are West Nile virus, West Nile fever, and West Nile encephalitis?
A.“West Nile Virus” is a flavivirus commonly found in Africa, West Asia, and the Middle East. It is closely related to St. Louis encephalitis virus found in the United States. The virus can infect humans, birds, mosquitoes, horses and some other mammals.

“West Nile fever” is a case of mild disease in people, characterized by flu-like symptoms. West Nile fever typically lasts only a few days and does not appear to cause any long-term health effects.

More severe disease due to a person being infected with this virus can be “West Nile encephalitis,” “West Nile meningitis” or “West Nile meningoencephalitis.” Encephalitis refers to an inflammation of the brain, meningitis is an inflammation of the membrane around the brain and the spinal cord, and meningoencephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain and the membrane surrounding it.

Oh, and before we started getting too scared of West Nile, how's this for some statistics for comparison sake...

In 2002, 3529 confirmed cases of West Nile have been reported to the CDC (just talking US cases here). 209 deaths.

Millions of people in the United States — about 10% to 20% of U.S. residents — will get the flu each year. An average of about 20,000 people per year in the United States die from the flu, and 114,000 per year have to be admitted to the hospital as a result of influenza.
see how not writing things out exactly get one in trouble. no, the West Nile virus in not exactly Influenza. I was making a point but thanks for pointing out that the flu is actually worse.
i would not care to debate such knowledgeable people on a subject that you are so well versed in. how many years of medical school did ya attend to become so smart? :)
Actually, Gonz, rodent fleas... wink.gif Keep yourself, and your area, clean, and you don't have a lot to worry about. Also, if you have pets, flea-bomb your house, and de-flea your pet more often.
I don't exactly remember but it seems like although fleas can carry the plague it's actually the rats that pass it on to the humans. The plague outbreaks in Europe have been attributed to wet seasons that led up to massive rat overpopulations.
As far as West Nile goes, it's much closer to encephalitis and meningitis than the flu. I still believe Leah had West nile last year after going through two hospitals five doctors and three neurologists who all gave an inconclusive diagnoses. I just don't think west nile was on their radar at the time.