is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
I've been shopping around for a set of mini vacuum attachments for my upcoming spring cleaning of the towers at work. Here's one I found ... a little pricey though, don't you think? But then again .. there's no sales tax AND it includes shipping :D
By the way .. the set of mini attachments I'm looking for are for a Dirt Devil Scorpion ... little bastard sucks great but the hose isn't 1 1/4" standard American. It's rectangular... and after looking at the Dirt Devil site, it doesn't look like they make mini attachments for the stupid thing. If anyone knows of any, let me know please .. I'll be forever grateful.
That seems a tad pricey to me. Hey, wait, shipping's included!!! :lloyd:

I bought my set at a computer show for 5 bucks. I've seen them at Lowes too. Incredibly useful. Do they make an adapter for the Dirt Devil to 1-1/4 round? I have an older Dir Devil and it's 1 inch. :rolleyes: I fabricated my own adapter out of PVC pipe and (of course) duct tape.