Is there a curse on this one?


New Member
The 3,000-year-old face of a woman -- her eyes lined in black kohl -- stared out from a sarcophagus funerary mask through the freshly unsealed door of a tomb.

The five mummies inside -- possibly members of a pharaoh's court -- are already celebrities amid archaeologists' excitement over the first tomb discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since that of King Tut more than 80 years ago.

Egyptian authorities gave the world a first peek at the treasures Friday, which were discovered by a team of American archaeologists while working on the neighboring tomb of Amenmeses, a late 19th Dynasty pharaoh.

"It's a dream come true," said Edwin Brock, co-director of the project, affiliated with the University of Memphis.

He and his colleagues have not yet entered the single-chamber tomb, believed to be about 3,000 years old and dating to the 18th Dynasty. But they have made a hole about a foot high in the door and peered through to see five wooden sarcophagi and about 20 alabaster jars.

"It was just so amazing to find an intact tomb here after all the work that's been done before. This was totally unexpected," Brock said.

very cool.
I have this strange fascination with dead egyptians. You know, there are tons of egyptologists that are freaking out right know of papyrii and stone tablets trying to figure out who's tomb is missing/not accounted for.
their gonna find the Holy Grail in this one
and ala Indiana Jones they will open it up
and there will be Hell to pay


damnit, they just released a time activated new strain of virus. We''ll all be dead in months.
Did the send the CDC over there? :nerd: