Is this bulls*** or what?


I bought an "America" t-shirt with stars and stripes on it at Wal Mart yesterday and I was over at a friends house drinking a few beers and he's like 'lose the shirt dude'. And I am all like, why can't a liberal be patriotic? He's like 'It sends the wrong message and why would you want to advertise America anyway?'.

Well long story short I am not gonna lose the shirt.
Damn good job MJS, make a stand. It's nice to see you value the Flag.

I'll try not to flame you here:

What would your friend of preferred as a message to be proudly displayed on you chest?

What is his stance?

I honestly don't understand the libbies these days, I thought I used to, but don't anymore. the movement has become so vile and hate filled. It seems they are well organized and base so much of what they believe on 'talking points'.

It also seems that dirty tricks are a big part of the game for them. skewing polls, repeating propaganda ad-infinitum even if their is no truth to it in hopes of getting people to believe it.

***Can you tell me what you see that 'feels wrong'; like not wearing a non-partisan patriotic Tshirt?

I know that is only recently that the cons will even fight back, but even that is still reserved by most. (not me though hehe)
Well I am a liberal but I am an American first. My friend is admittedly a liberal, and I respect many of his opinions but not all. He is well educated and semi well read. He also dislikes sports which I strongly disagree with.

As a liberal I am a little disgusted buying shirts at Wal Mart (they have a bad record of employee relations), but as a poor man $4.97 is a price I can't afford to reject. Bad as Wal Mart is they are a successful businees for a reason and people work there voluntarily, so until they get major busted for illegal practices I will continue to haul my economically challenged ass there to shop.
BTW I have problems with a lot of liberals too. I am far to the right of many I know and I am not a proponent of "P.C.". I may be a liberal you can understand.

I must admit I respect some of the conservatives on this board more than I do the garden variety type. At least you guys try to argue with facts (some that are in dispute), but it's a whole cut above "shut up pinko commie faggot!"

Still I am right and you are wrong :D Never forget it :D
Just for shits and giggles, I'd like to know where the "USA" shirt was made.

I learned all I needed to know about that sort of thing at a 4th of July rally where all the kids got plastic American flags with "Made in Taiwan" stickers on them.
Now I feel stupid making three posts in a rown in my own thread but I wanted to add that I have shown my friend this place and he might just chime in on this issue. I can only hope.
markjs said:
I bought an "America" t-shirt with stars and stripes on it at Wal Mart yesterday and I was over at a friends house drinking a few beers and he's like 'lose the shirt dude'. And I am all like, why can't a liberal be patriotic? He's like 'It sends the wrong message and why would you want to advertise America anyway?'.

Well long story short I am not gonna lose the shirt.

Kick him in the cajones & tell him to piss off.

Liberals & conservatives used to disagree on politics but agree on principle. Those days are generally gone.
"shut up pinko commie faggot!" *poke*

markjs said:
As a liberal I am a little disgusted buying shirts at Wal Mart (they have a bad record of employee relations), but as a poor man $4.97 is a price I can't afford to reject. Bad as Wal Mart is they are a successful business for a reason and people work there voluntarily, so until they get major busted for illegal practices I will continue to haul my economically challenged ass there to shop.

You see the absolute hypocrisy of this statement dont you? "Do as I say, not as I do".

The world is dynamic and changing. You can't expect the perfect world ideal because you think "it should be that way". 80 years ago 25% of the people that got cellulitis from a bad tooth died from it. Women could not vote. 20 years ago 100's of millions people lived under communist rule. We are making progress, it takes time. Your political ideals and demands are not as near as important as the actions you take in your daily life.

The flag.

I have a 12+ American flags; little ones, big ones. I admit, I have bought some at 7-11's in a pinch. You know the ones with a flag cheaply printed on them in china. I burn those usually after they have served their purpose.

All the flags I keep are made in the U.S.A.. The flags I fly at home and at the cabin cost me over $140 each. Each stripe, field, and star were hand sewn in place. Each is its own piece of sturdy cloth sewn by an American trying to make a living. Even all three of 6" x 9" ones are sewn.

If you really want to help make this country a better place, buy American when ever you can.

If you want to help a fellow American Liberal or retired person. Don't buy your little knic-knacks for your home at Walmart. Don't buy little desk fountains made in china by the millions. Buy hand made stuff from your local artisan fair, find someone that makes what you want. It will cost twice as much, but it will often be original art and have good karma in it too.

Your $ spent in this fashion will help to keep Americans working that: blow glass bottles, make bird houses, ear rings, hand crafted picture frames, planters, leather goods, carve wood, make wind chimes. Help them make an honorable living at what they like to do.

Every dollar you spend at a locally owned business, like a restaurant or shop helps to make your city stronger. I don't do Starbucks, I do Java-Jazz or The Filling Station. I dont do Jamba Juice, I do the Juice Station, or Phish-lips.

There is not a reasonable way to spend every dime like this; but if you're honest with yourself about it, make that choice to do everything you can, it really helps to keep America and Americans wholesome.

It is the ol'timey way.
I buy only things I need at Wal Mart. Things I can't afford to get other places. I know it's hypocrisy to be anti Wal Mart but to still shop there, but one has to do what one has to do to survive. Show me a person totally free of hypocrisy, and I will show you a deity.
Liberal bulls***

"shut up pinko commie faggot!"

Oh sorry wrong board!

Personally I'd never wear a flag shirt because everyone
knows our Flag is not clothing.

So If your buddy thinks it's wrong to wear an American Flag shirt what would he substitute in it's place?

Oh Marky-mark I gotta few questions?
Your Mom (Larner) posted here?
Your profile lists a birth date for you.
why would I have thought you were either
high school or college age?
Do ya live with yo Mommie?

I am Right and you are Left and don't forget it!!!
Did I ever say it was a flag shirt? It has some blue stars and two red stripes and says America.

Of course I don't live with my mother but if I did I wouldn't live there rent free.
Liberal bulls***

<an "America" t-shirt with stars and stripes on it>

Sorry my bad

So due to the omission the lack of response,
from now on I will operate on the assumption that you are 35 years of age, again sorry! From reading your posts I thought you were a high school age slacker again
My Bad lol

Oh and yeah good call by your Libby friend
if you really are a Liberal then you hate America so why
would you wear a flag shirt?

Oh you don’t hate America you’ll say well lemme hep you
out on that one there Bubby!
markjs said:
I buy only things I need at Wal Mart. Things I can't afford to get other places. I know it's hypocrisy to be anti Wal Mart but to still shop there, but one has to do what one has to do to survive.

Since you are aware of the circumstances that excuses your actions from your beliefs and what you promote to others. Maybe you need to apply that tolerance to others that have opposing beliefs. I see this behavior regularly applied to the President. "Bush is not doing what I think he should".

The truth be told, being the POTUS a complicated job of personalities, laws and beliefs. Maybe, just maybe, he's is truly doing the best job he can for the nation. You and I do not, and will not ever know the full scope of why he makes the choices he does.

markjs said:
Show me a person totally free of hypocrisy, and I will show you a deity.

Clever as that statement is; it's nothing more than an ego-defense mechanism to settle your guilt of hypocrisy: An excuse.
I suppose your are capable of making that judgement?

Answer me one question: Do you believe in the Bible?
You never said I was damned either.

The only thing I'd have had to say if he had admitted to believing in the bible is 'judge not lest ye be judged'.