"shut up pinko commie faggot!"
markjs said:
As a liberal I am a little disgusted buying shirts at Wal Mart (they have a bad record of employee relations), but as a poor man $4.97 is a price I can't afford to reject. Bad as Wal Mart is they are a successful business for a reason and people work there voluntarily, so until they get major busted for illegal practices I will continue to haul my economically challenged ass there to shop.
You see the absolute hypocrisy of this statement dont you? "Do as I say, not as I do".
The world is dynamic and changing. You can't expect the perfect world ideal because you think "it should be that way". 80 years ago 25% of the people that got cellulitis from a bad tooth died from it. Women could not vote. 20 years ago 100's of millions people lived under communist rule. We are making progress, it takes time. Your political ideals and demands are not as near as important as the actions you take in your daily life.
The flag.
I have a 12+ American flags; little ones, big ones. I admit, I have bought some at 7-11's in a pinch. You know the ones with a flag cheaply printed on them in china. I burn those usually after they have served their purpose.
All the flags I keep are made in the U.S.A.. The flags I fly at home and at the cabin cost me over $140 each. Each stripe, field, and star were hand sewn in place. Each is its own piece of sturdy cloth sewn by an American trying to make a living. Even all three of 6" x 9" ones are sewn.
If you really want to help make this country a better place, buy American when ever you can.
If you want to help a fellow American Liberal or retired person. Don't buy your little knic-knacks for your home at Walmart. Don't buy little desk fountains made in china by the millions. Buy hand made stuff from your local artisan fair, find someone that makes what you want. It will cost twice as much, but it will often be original art and have good karma in it too.
Your $ spent in this fashion will help to keep Americans working that: blow glass bottles, make bird houses, ear rings, hand crafted picture frames, planters, leather goods, carve wood, make wind chimes. Help them make an honorable living at what they like to do.
Every dollar you spend at a locally owned business, like a restaurant or shop helps to make your city stronger. I don't do Starbucks, I do Java-Jazz or The Filling Station. I dont do Jamba Juice, I do the Juice Station, or Phish-lips.
There is not a reasonable way to spend every dime like this; but if you're honest with yourself about it, make that choice to do everything you can, it really helps to keep America and Americans wholesome.
It is the ol'timey way.