It all becomes clear


molṑn labé
Staff member
We've spent more than a year talking about John Kerry & Vietnam. The Navy is currently investigating whether he deserves his medals.

We've spent more than 4 years listening to the left decry GW's National Guard Service, going so far as to present false & misleading evidence to support their bogus claim.

Nobody cared what happened 30+ years ago. If our President & the leading contender haven't had some serious changes in their opinion & attitude in 30 years thay are seriously screwed up.

Well, in the last day or two Move On dot org has finally played the leftist hand. It shows why Vietnam was so important in this campaign. It shows why they support(ed) so many socialist organizations in the outlandish claims that were made by America haters, both within & outside our country.

They wish our surrender in the War on Terror. They wish to relive their glory days, the late 1960's & early 1970's when they nearly tore the country apart. As it turns out, they were wrong then & they are wrong today.

Quicktime, ad of MovesOns desire to aid & abet our enemy. Thier desire to destroy the moral of the Amercan soldier. Their desire to bring doubt, just like they did in the past.

Show this video/commercial to everybody you kno & have thm pass it around. Make sure the big media outlets giv this tons of airtime.

Oh, and Geoge Soros-you are a piece of shit.
yep fox had a segment about this.
It turns my stomach, that they think our troops would give up so easily.
I hope lightening strikes their server. Directly! :zap:
1. Vietnam was based on a flawed theory (Domino) and an outright lie (the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution).
2. The reason the Vietnam war (sorry, police action) ended the way it did was because there was no longer enough support for it. The people (you remember, We, the People) finally said stop.
3. Parallels are a stretch, but sooner rather than later the same thing will happen with Iraq, which still has a spurious connection at best to the terrorist problem.
chcr said:
1. Vietnam was based on a flwed theory (Domino) and an outright lie (the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution).
2. The reason the Vietnam war (sorry, police action) ended the way it did was because there was no longer enough support for it. The people (you remember, We, the People) finally said stop.
3. Parallels are a stretch, but sooner rather than later the same thing will happen with Iraq, which still has a spurious connection at best to the terrorist problem.

1-The theory is questionable but the resolution was valid
Joint Resolution of Congress
H.J. RES 1145 August 7, 1964
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

That the Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.

Section 2. The United States regards as vital to its national interest and to world peace the maintenance of international peace and security in southeast Asia. Consonant with the Constitution of the United States and the Charter of the United Nations and in accordance with its obligations under the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, the United States is, therefore, prepared, as the President determines, to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force, to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.

Section 3. This resolution shall expire when the President shall determine that the peace and security of the area is reasonably assured by international conditions created by action of the United Nations or otherwise, except that it may be terminated earlier by concurrent resolution of the Congress.

2-Nothing like a televised war (thanks CBS) in your living room to end your appetite for war. Uncle Walter made it clear we lost the Tet Offensive even though we won every battle :confused: JF Kerry went & lied before Congress. It turns out the attrocities were, at best, overexaggeratred & at worst bogus. I've yet to meet a Vietnam Vet who actually saw any of the claimed barbarism.

3-Damn, we're still fighting over whether Iraq was worth it. After GW wins by a landlside can we carry on with more interesting stuff?

MoveOn dot Org is directly tied to the DNC, illegal as a 527. They also are trying to create the same atmosphere as Vietnam.

I've got video of planes & buildings crashing if anybody cares to remind themselves they are not the same.
IMHO, It all falls back to the olde premise that if you tell a lie big enough and long enough that it will eventually become the truth. The initial 'rah-rah' reasons for the war were an inflated lie and the eventual collapse was another inflated lie. The start was a pre-programed lie and the eventual will to lose was pre-programed. All in all... ye reap what ye sew.
HomeLAN said:
So, in short, you agree?
Actually, HomeLAN, I'm not sure what the point is. I don't agree that Vietnam is in anyway important to this campaign, it has nothing to do with it. I was simply pointing out that Gonz's version of the history of that time is flawed. I think they keep bringing it up to avoid the real issues. Both sides do.
So, if Nam has zero to do with the election, then moveon's entire premise is flawed. Yet, I hear a lot more of this type of shit from the Kerry campaign.

HomeLAN said:
So, if Nam has zero to do with the election, then moveon's entire premise is flawed. Yet, I hear a lot more of this type of shit from the Kerry campaign.


I don't disagree, except that I'm not so sure the campaign could shut them up even if they wanted to. I feel like I hear nearly as much from the Bush side, and please don't tell me you believe that the Bush campaign has nothing to do with swiftboat et al. It muddies the picture, though, and the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if it's not mutually agreed upon. After all, for all of his liberal airs, Kerry is the richest man ever to run for president. :shrug: But yes, moveon's entire premise is flawed (not to mention fiction). In fact, even though I never thought Kerry had a snowballs chance in hell, it would not surprise me to find that a significant number of people voted for Bush simply because of it.
They can't shut then up. 527's are the evil uninteded consequences of the idiocy that McCain/Feingold (Campaign Finance Reform, anybody remember the warnings about that piece of crap legislation?) brought forth. The difference is when Kerry asked Bush to call off the attacks dogs (swiftboat veterans for truth) he called for an end to all 527's.

Kerry is silent.
Oh, Kerry is far from silent. He wants the swift boat vets to STFU. Not the same standard when it comes to moveon, though.
I hope the investigations that follow this election (you know there will be some) show the depth & breadth of the connections between Move On & the DNC. It'll make for fun reading.
Are you kidding? They lean left. They'll get a pass, but the swift boat vets will be fully investigated.
They should all be investigated. The electoral process in this country has become a joke. They need to stop all this muckraking character assasination and the slick Madison Ave. ad campaigns and have a series of debates on serious issues. Sponsored by Coke and IBM. But then how would they sell favors and get kickbacks for their cronies? Last time (and the only time) I voted for a candidate I believed in was 1980.
Sorry, the election cycle. Should have been more clear. The Elecoral College still does what it's designed to do unless someone cheats.