It is this time of the year again...


/sigh, /sigh, /sigh, it is this time of the year again... :(

Monday, July 29 - Calculus II Final Exam, 3 hours long

Wednesday, July 31 - Linear Algebra I Final Exam, 3 hours long

Wednesday, August 7 - Computer Science 241 Final Exam, 3 hours long

The Calculus involves differential equations, series, Taylor's, McLaurin's, partial derivatives, error estimation, and some multivariable calculus.

The Linear Algebra I involves matrices, vector spaces, subspaces, nullity, inner product spaces, Gauss-Jordan reduction, Gram-Schmidt process, and crap like that.

The Computer Science involves the theory behind all four states of compiler contruction (lexical, semantic, syntactic, code generation), MIPS assembly, compiling, linking, and scheme (lisp variant).

Damn, I'm not looking forward to the next two weeks... /cry
Oh man that sux. but just think once you graduate, only 1 of thode courses will mean anything... :D

Nixie, Waterloo has three semesters a year.

Fall is September to December
Winter is January to April
Spring is May to August

Normal students take courses in the Fall and Winter, and have the Spring term off. Co-op students are different though. I'm in the 4-stream, so my schedule looks like this:

Fall 2001 - STUDY
Winter 2002 - WORK
Spring 2002 - STUDY
Fall 2002 - WORK
... etc.

8-stream is the same, except you STUDY two semesters in the beginning and then you begin alternating.
Oh, IC.

They have 3 semesters at MAC as well except May-August they call Summer. I won't be doing courses then though because I am doing an internship. I will go to school for 3 years (6 semesters) and then I will do either 12 or 16 months of work then go back for 2 more semesters.
LastLegionary said:
/sigh, /sigh, /sigh, it is this time of the year again... :(

Monday, July 29 - Calculus II Final Exam, 3 hours long

Wednesday, July 31 - Linear Algebra I Final Exam, 3 hours long

Wednesday, August 7 - Computer Science 241 Final Exam, 3 hours long

Ugh. You're giving me nightmares, dude. I remember taking Calculus and Physics in the same year back when I was going to be an engineer.