It wasn't steve balmer...


Well-Known Member
Ok i know the real story now. The 'yachte' out in front of my house does not belong to Steve Balmer but to greenpeace. In fact it's their largest vessel. Now this is a boating and fishing community. We have thousands of vessels and enough dock space for 3-4 of the largest cruiseships nose to tail. The problem is that not one individual here nore any company will let them dock and that includes the fuel docks. They won't even give greenpeace fuel! The coastguard told them they'd find a place and led them twenty miles out of town and told them they could anchor up in that location but no one could see them from there so instead they anchored up in front of my house which is about a mile from town. Even the fishing boats were throwing stuff at them as they went by. I realize many of you may not find this funny in any way but i think it's hilarious. :D
I suppose what you really need is to get one of those big BP Amoco tankers docked out there with a gaping hole in its side. That'll piss em off.
They already hate us as it is. They come for the money and to drive 12" spikes into our trees in order to kill loggers but other then that i don't know why they bother coming. Wev'e taken excellent care of our waters and forests which is why to this day we still have some of the most abundent fishing industries and lush forests in the world. The Tongass national forest alone is 17 million acres. We just tend not to trust outsiders including The government, large corporations or for that matter greenpeace. All have their own agendas that have proven atleast in the case of the lower 48, to be to extreme one way or the other. Greenpeace is no different. If they had their way i wouldn't even be allowed to live in my home.
Doesn't a ship that big, built with lots of steel that originated as strip-mined iron ore, require a shitload of fossil fuel to run?
Sorry, i didn't get a picture before they bailed.
Will this do?
