It's been 8 years


molṑn labé
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President George W Bush.

He's been horrbilby maligned by the left. He's gotten blamed for things someone else did wrong. He stood his ground. He did his job. We are all safer today due to the actions he took. From tax relief to two wars, he served well. He didn't follow polls.

Katrina was a modest hurricane. Decades of liberal politics set up the failure of the levees. Liberal Democrats told the federal government to stay out (as they should have).

Iraq was a battle in a greater war, but it was also an ending to an issue that was never properly resolved. After a decade of having our pilots shot at & ignoring the UN, it was time to end the charade. Today, the Iraqis are freer than they've ever been.

The economy is a double edged sword. He brought millions of Americans substantial tax relief which brought us out of a recesssion. He ended up acting like a communist with no interest in the power of capitalism. Sorry GW sometimes nothing is better than anytning (look at Reagans example).

GW Bush was a moderate Republican with liberal leanings. He stood strong for our security but failed in so many ways domestically.

History will make him a far better President than the left, the pundits & the media gave him credit for. I wonder, what would have happened if he'd been less attacked?

Here's hoping our next President learned from Reagan & not Roosevelt.
i can agree that he did some things very well. I also agree he got saddled with a ton of things that were not in his power to control

he was a republican, not a conservative. i truly think he surrendered during the final two years in office. for that i scorn him

there have been better presidents in my lifetime. there have been worse. in the final analysis, he will be remembered by me as an empty suit though with the notable exception of his leadership after the terrorist attacks on our soil

he was better than clinton and worse than his father. better than carter but worse than reagan

hope he finally gets some rest
we'll see.
in another 8, there will be some many more 'new' people with opinions, and
some will believe anything the are told by anyone they trust.
and this differs from the last election in some significant way?

anytime someone lets katie or rush make there mind up for them, that person is doomed to idiocy
He was an incompetent moron of the magnistude where you'd have to be nuts to even let him manage a convenience store let alone a country.

(CBS) President Bush will leave office as one of the most unpopular departing presidents in history, according to a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing Mr. Bush's final approval rating at 22 percent.

Seventy-three percent say they disapprove of the way Mr. Bush has handled his job as president over the last eight years.

Mr. Bush's final approval rating is the lowest final rating for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking about presidential approval more than 70 years ago.

The rating is far below the final ratings of recent two-term presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, who both ended their terms with a 68 percent approval rating, according to CBS News polling.

Recent one term presidents also had higher ratings than Mr. Bush. His father George H.W. Bush had an end-of-term rating of 54 percent, while Jimmy Carter's rating was 44 percent.

Harry Truman had previously had the lowest end-of-term approval at 32 percent, as measured by Gallup.;topStories

A partial list of Bush failures.

Consumers & Workers
Limited Ability To Block Dangerous Imports
FDA Enforcement Actions Way Down
USDA Challenged Over Meat Safety
Lack of Adequate Foreign Drug Oversight
Problems in Oversight of Food Safety
OSHA’s Laissez-Faire Attitude
FDA Failure To Ensure Drug Safety
Failure To Protect Consumers From Unsafe Products
Oversight Collapse Leads To Mine Safety Issues
Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Stumbles
Eroding Budget Erodes Consumer Safety
Lack of Quorum at the CPSC

Contracting & Workforce
A Failure of Whistleblower Protection
Labor Relations Authority: Low Morale, Backlogged Cases
Contractors Failing Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
Human Capital Issues Plague Government
Surge in Outsourcing Creates Problems in Performance, Oversight
Chronic Understaffing at the EEOC

No Child Left Behind: A Few Bumps in the Road
Reading First: Scandalous and Ineffective
Student Loan Scandal Costs Students

Paralysis at the Federal Election Commission
“McCain-Feingold” Fails To Solve Campaign Finance Problem
Election Assistance Commission Has Not Met Mandates

Emergency Management
Hurricanes Expose FEMA Woes
FEMA Trailers Filled With Formaldehyde
We Can’t Afford Another Flood
SBA Emergency Assistance Failed for Katrina
Flood “Protection” in New Orleans

No Robust, Sustained Alternative Energy Policy
Foreign Oil Dependence Has Grown
Refinery Bottleneck Puts Squeeze on Gasoline Supply
Move to a 21st Century Electricity Grid Is Stalled

Unsustainable Medicare Spending
Failure To Reform Social Security
Social Security Disability Backlogs

Climate Change: Hide the Assessment
Failure To Advance Climate Change Policy
EPA Deprives Public of Information on Toxics
Science Policy Politicized
Politicization at Department of Interior
EPA Stalls on Perchlorate Regulation
Mountaintop Coal Mining Alters Appalachia
EPA and OMB Slow Toxic Chemical Risk Studies
Scandal, Incompetence at Minerals Management Service
EPA Misleads on Air Quality After 9/11 Attacks
EPA Ignores Advisers on Particulate Matter Standards
Everglade Restoration a Man-Made Disaster
Superfund Program Loses Funding, Momentum
Toxic Mercury From Coal Plants Unregulated
Nuclear Waste Problem Unsolved
EPA Fails To Put Children First
Failure To Launch: Satellite Delays
EPA’s Free Pass for Aging Power Plant Emissions

Shaky Start for Troubled Asset Relief Program
Skyrocketing Deficit
Oversight Fails To Keep Pace With a Changed Market
Lax Oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
SEC Allows Investment Banks To Go Unregulated
More Corporations Pay Less in Taxes
Audit Rates of Rich Fall, Audits of Poor Spike
Lack of Regs Fueled Accounting Scandal
U.S. Companies Hiding Revenue Offshore
Mismanagement and Cronyism at HUD

Medicare Fraud Out of Control
45 Million Americans Without Health Insurance

Information Protection
Failures in Cybersecurity
Millions in Equipment Missing From Indian Health Service
An Epidemic of Missing Laptops

Justice & Security
Too Close to the Edge on Torture
CIA Renditions Draw Controversy
Politicization of Department of Justice
Failure To Protect Sensitive Technology
Arbitrary Detention at Guantanamo
Osama bin Laden Still at Large
Lack of Progress on Immigration Reform
WMD Nonproliferation Needs More Attention
National Security Agency Mismanages Info Technology
$30 Billion Virtual Border Fence Faces Problems
First Responders Still Can’t Communicate
FBI Abuses Power To Request Personal Information
Agencies Failed To Share Intelligence on 9/11 Terrorists
Pakistan Remains an Al Qaeda Haven
FBI Failure To Create a Modern Computer Network
Nuclear Sites Lack Adequate Security
Losing the Battle for Hearts and Minds
DHS Still Getting Up to Speed
Terrorist Watch List Mismanaged
Poor Retention of Counterterrorism Staff
Inability To Track Foreign Visitors to U.S.
Lack of Due Process for Terrorism Suspects
FBI Struggles To Confront Multiple Threats
NORAD, FAA Unprepared for Aerial Attack
U.S. Guns Arming Mexican Drug Cartels

False Premise for Going to War
Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal
Mismanagement at National Reconnaissance Office
Poor Health Care for Veterans
Failure To Regulate Security Contractors
Pentagon Office’s Misleading Intelligence
Military Failure To Secure Iraq After Invasion
Lack of Armored Protection for Troops
Pentagon’s Slow Adaptation to a War-footing
Inadequate Planning for Post-Invasion Iraq
Failure To Secure Weapons in Iraq
Mismanagement of Major Weapons Acquisitions
Veteran Disability Claims Languish
Delay in Opening U.S. Embassy in Iraq
Air Force Failure To Maintain Nuclear Weapons Accountability
Taliban Resurgence in Afghanistan
190,000 Missing Weapons in Iraq

NASA Inspector General Lack of Oversight
NASA’s Failure To Ensure Safety in Human Space Flight
Massive Backlog at Patent Office
Census 2010 Stumbles at the Starting Line
FCC Chairman Martin Under Fire

Failing To Modernize Air Traffic Control
Human Fatigue in Transport Accidents Still Unaddressed
Close Calls on the Runway
FAA in the Dark on Maintenance
Record Delays in Air Travel
FAA Inspectors Cozy Up to Airlines
Highway Funding Woes

White House
Controversial Assertion of Executive Power
Excessive Executive Secrecy
Signing Statements Thwart Congressional Intent
Vice President’s Office Exempts Itself From Information Safeguards
Executive Office of the President “Loses” E-mails
That is not even close to being an accurate description of that list and sorta just a bizarre thing to say.
I understand that you would like to make some nonsense remark that doesn't really apply and call it a day. Hey that's an easy copout, totally understandable. It just doesn't work in the least though.

He was an incompetent moron of the magnistude where you'd have to be nuts to even let him manage a convenience store let alone a country.

Someone who knows you less well than myself MIGHT think you were letting a personal hatred for the man (as opposed to a hatred of policies) shine through.
[sarcasm]but who would run these biggest corporations?[/sarcasm]

nah, you don't have to be competent to get to the top, you just need to be ruthless and suck a lot of cock, alternating between the two as appropriate.

um, yeah, and gonz, "military" is sorta on the list of stuff the government belongs doing.
Khan was much more competent. He never would have had a list of failures as longs as Bush's.
Not W, Aitch.

Focus on O'Bummer. The Big Dog...The Big Man...Numero Uno Honcho...The Head Cheese. Did you just vote for change at any cost?

What makes him qualified to lead this country?