It's begun


molṑn labé
Staff member
I just woke up the 10 year old and dragged him outside to force him to look at the eclipse. :lloyd: He were NOT impressed. Maybe he'll appreciate it tomorrow when he's awake...if he remembers that is.

he really did tell me yesterday that he wished he could stay up to see it, really he did
You oughta hear the birds in the park next door to our building - they are going berserk. The moon is blood red.
I've got a great view here right now.
I took some pics, but i don't think they are going to make.
I'll have a look soon. I'm right in the middle of changing HDs,
form a samsung 80gig 2mb cache, to a maxtor 80gig 8mb cache. :smoke:
caught the beginning around 11...Don't feel bad Leslie, I drug my oldest out too, had to wake him and he looked at it and went right back to bed.... :alienhuh:
Mare said:
caught the beginning around 11...Don't feel bad Leslie, I drug my oldest out too, had to wake him and he looked at it and went right back to bed.... :alienhuh:
lol! :D

I told mine about it this morning, he was flabbergasted. Seeing a lunar eclipse is close to a dream come true for him, he was soooo pissed at himself. Hilarious! :laugh:
Let me describe it.

Look, a full moon.
Wait, it's no longer full.
WTF?!? it's only half a moon now.
Holy shit,three quarters gone.
WOW, it's dark out here.
Oh look a diamond in the sky.
That's not a diamond...YEA! the moon is returning.
one quarter, one half, three quarters...
Look, a full moon.