It's D-Day today...


New Member
... I'm going to Sheffield today for Mother's Day, and Emma's been invited. I know it's a bit early for introducing her to my mum, but hey, it's the 21st century :D

I'll let y'all know how it goes :)

Jon said:
I know it's a bit early for introducing her to my mum...

all went well :D :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

she was due to go back last night, but there was a train strike so she ended up staying another night :D got to sleep at 3am, but had to be up by 4:30am for her to catch a train from Manchester - Coventry (about 100-ish miles) and be in lectures for 9am.

much crying was done at the train station (by her, not me ;)), but i'm kinda sad to see her go again. however, we need our own space, which is something we definitely agree on if we're not going to get pissed off with each other, causing the relationship to turn sour. we don't want that, oh no-no-no-no... won't be long before we see each other again though :)

all that's left to say is that our final words to each other were "i love you" (hell, it must be love if she gave me her glitter lamp!) :D

and you know what? i meant it.

Oh yes, PT, don't worry mate, I'll get some pics of her nurses outfit soon enough ;)