it's just not my month, is it... Cindy the cat, 05/13/05


Staff member
:manhugs: :hugs: and all that other stuff.

Damnit. I didn't even have time to try and cope with my mom, and now this.

These things always happen in 3s, and 2 of them have just happened within a heartbreak of each other. I can only hope that God doesn't know the saying, "third time's a charm..."
fury, it'll eventually become easier to deal with BOTH, hang in there - some day you'll open your eyes and be able to get through the day without that dull pain and only the good will remain (well, that's kind ahow it's worked for me).

:hug: Sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss fury. :( Looks quite a bit like my Dolly who passed away at the beginning of the year, I know you'll miss her a lot.
Man, you can't catch a break lately. I'm sorry hon. I would be lying though if I said that I didn't particularly enjoy the last two photos. Rare that I see you smiling (well, more like smirking). I know it will take a while to smile again, but it will come. *humps fury to make him smile*
:crying4: I'm so sorry Fury. I know all to well what losing a pet is like. It will get easier with time. Big hugs are being sent to you from me.
Sorry to hear about that. We've got five cats, and one of them, Molly, developed an upper respiratory infection and almost died. We were going to put her down, so we took her to the vet. $400 later and she's ok. I think she remembers that I did my best to help her, because she won't leave me alone anymore.

I just know how you feel to know that a kitty cat is going to die. It's a horrible, horrible experience, and I hope that soon Cindy will send you a sign that she is ok.