Its not rocket science...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
You want to work for NASA, then get checked. They have a right to know your background. Rocket technology is something the government wants to keep. Thats why your background is important. Don't like the checks, then don't apply for the job.
hmmmm. so you're disagreeing with the court's opinion that lower level employees need not be probed extensively?

do you carry a picture of john ashcroft in your wallet?

right. of course.

and is he fully clothed?

yep. no surprise.

how much crisco do you typically carry on your person?
hmmmm. so you're disagreeing with the court's opinion that lower level employees need not be probed extensively?

do you carry a picture of john ashcroft in your wallet?

right. of course.

and is he fully clothed?

yep. no surprise.

how much crisco do you typically carry on your person?

I'm saying that, if the job you apply for asks for a background check, and you balk, just apply elsewhere. My job requires a background check. Required it from day one. Its required of everyone in the military. Know why? Because you may be required...even as a "low-level employee" to work with a classified system. Doesn't matter where you start. You can play the sarcasm card all you wish, but if those 'low-level employees' ever have to work on a classified system, or work in/around a classified area (it happens), then the background check is required. You'd also be surprised what government systems could fall under the 'classified' label...some of them are only FOUO...that are used every day.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Hardly McDonalds. Background check should be necessary. Hell, we won't allow security filled software of the block.
If have problems with a background check it is defenitlay not the job for you, sometimes you apply for a job, there are certain expectations, if you choose NOT to meet those, apply elsewhere.
"The workers sued the federal government, claiming that NASA was invading their privacy by requiring the investigations, which included probes into medical records and questioning of friends about everything from their finances to their sex lives."

medical status and sexual habits have NOTHING to do with whether or not someone is gonna sell secrets to the commies. sorry employer, whomever you are, none of your business. perhaps some level of inquiry into financial status and credit history does have bearing on whether somebody's gonna get desperate for cash.

in any case this all smells like a big rationalization for ass-covering regulations, that one can refer to when secrets slip out. "oh, we checked 'em, all right. we did our jobs." in others words, probably no substitute for real security protocols. but that's probably too hard for them government bureaucrats, right?
"The workers sued the federal government, claiming that NASA was invading their privacy by requiring the investigations, which included probes into medical records and questioning of friends about everything from their finances to their sex lives."

medical status and sexual habits have NOTHING to do with whether or not someone is gonna sell secrets to the commies. sorry employer, whomever you are, none of your business. perhaps some level of inquiry into financial status and credit history does have bearing on whether somebody's gonna get desperate for cash.

in any case this all smells like a big rationalization for ass-covering regulations, that one can refer to when secrets slip out. "oh, we checked 'em, all right. we did our jobs." in others words, probably no substitute for real security protocols. but that's probably too hard for them government bureaucrats, right?

medical status and sexual history have everything to do with allowing an espionage agent recruit you, blackmail, promises of financial support to treat your illness.

It's not making sure you are moral enough, it is making sure if you have any skeletons in your closet, that they are well hidden so as not to make you a security liability. You think they turn high end people only, a janitor has access to secure areas while cleaning, and cleaning is usually done at night, when the offices are empty.
You do realize that these are mediocre people with mediocre jobs and mediocre lives. Submitting to the same scrutiny that the higher paid mucky mucks do, for them, is a factor of pay. That they're already paid twice what the private sector pays for the same job matters as much as it does to a GM employee striking for more pay as him company files bankruptcy.

Not to mention that, given where NASA has most of it's facilities ... there's probably a fair portion of that staff that aren't even in the country legally. Volunteering information is the last thing they'd want.
You think they turn high end people only, a janitor has access to secure areas while cleaning, and cleaning is usually done at night, when the offices are empty.

whatever sensitive materials are there should be handled accordingly, in any case. handle that shit right, it don't matter if suzy the janitor has an uncle with a bad kidney or a step sister into S&M. handle it wrong, and you're an asshole regardless of any tissue sample you collected from suzy.

again, this 'extensive probing' is a typical bureaucratic response to a problem with roots extending into an entirely different patch of soil. but, given the choice, i can't think of many (*giggle*) who would prefer to be probed themselves rather than probe suzy.
I'd bet my house that if some janitor were to run off to China with state secrets, you'd wondering how a janitor got a job at JPL without a background check.

Too bad we don't investigate Senators backgrounds. Imagine what the Minnesote guy may have sold.
whatever sensitive materials are there should be handled accordingly, in any case. handle that shit right, it don't matter if suzy the janitor has an uncle with a bad kidney or a step sister into S&M. handle it wrong, and you're an asshole regardless of any tissue sample you collected from suzy.

I work in a classified environment. My background was checked...repeatedly. Comes with the job. I can refuse the check. So can they. Just be prepared to look for another job. Remember. Working for NASA is not a right. If you don't want the chec, go work for Burt Rutan. Just don't be surprised if he won't hire you, either.
I'd bet my house that if some janitor were to run off to China with state secrets, you'd wondering how a janitor got a job at JPL without a background check.

no, i'd wonder how security could be sloppy so as to allow a janitor access to state secrets.

and i'm not arguaing against ANY background check, just those that are overly intrusive.

but i understand how y'all like to identify with probe-wielding authority. i'd suggest viagra might also help you with the same issue.
no, i'd wonder how security could be sloppy so as to allow a janitor access to state secrets.

and i'm not arguaing against ANY background check, just those that are overly intrusive.

but i understand how y'all like to identify with probe-wielding authority. i'd suggest viagra might also help you with the same issue.

It is part of the job, you know about it when you are hired, you sign pieces of paper to that effect. The individual is not singled out, his cubical mate goes through the same thing.

If you want a handgun here, you even go through worse, lol.
no, i'd wonder how security could be sloppy so as to allow a janitor access to state secrets.

and i'm not arguaing against ANY background check, just those that are overly intrusive.

but i understand how y'all like to identify with probe-wielding authority. i'd suggest viagra might also help you with the same issue.

I work as a computer tech. I used to count banks and pharmacies as my biggest customers. And I can tell you that pretty much all you need to walk through security anywhere is a box marked Xerox or IBM. Janitors, likewise, have access pretty much everywhere, since high mucky mucks are far above emptying their own trash bins.
And even the janitors of the pharma companies in montreal go though stuff like this, corporate espionage.

You work in a field with sensative materials, you gotta expect somethings.
Hiding stuff by locking it away usually works really well to keep out the guy with 50 keys on his keyring.
Bob the cleaning guy isn't the problem. Until his Chechen bookie with the bad leg begins looking for payback on that bad debt. Then, Bob the cleaning guy beomes James order to save his sorry neck (well, that & there's this horse in the 9th race at Pocono....)