It's official. It's a sick day.


New Member
I knew yesterday evening that I was going to be under the weather today. The sinus pressure was just too much and I woke up today with another full blown cold. What I wasn't expecting was for Alex to be sick. For the last few days she has had a conveinent cough. When she doesn't want to clean her room or eat her vegetables it suddenly is a terrible cough. But when she wants to go outside or have a friend over, there is no cough at all. Well today she woke up with a bad cough. I told her to stay home from school and she wasn't too happy about it. Instead she will be making a trip to the Dr.'s office. Then I looked at the clock around 8 and realized that Miss Athena is still asleep. She went to bed at her normal time and only woke up once during the night. She has been coughing for a while now and I think the Dr needs to look at her again too.

So it is family Dr day. Luckily Hubby is feelng okay as of now. Let us hope it stays that way and we all beat this cold before Christmas :D
The we'll have to inject you if you don't get better soon threat works most of the times.