It's official


Well-Known Member
As foreshadowed in Shrek with Donkey getting Dragon in kippers, Eddie Murphy IS the father of Scary Spices spare part.

Cue the lawyers.
I'm sorry. Eddie & Scary Spice? What the fuck are you on about? A spice girl had a baby? The dragon had more babies? I'm apparently not up on my current events.
I dragon never had any babies before Shrek 3...not that I remember...

I think it's the baby scary spice had years ago...I forget the child's name but it's named after an American city...poor thing. Posh's was Brooklyn I think and for the life of me I can't think of Scary's...apparently it's the cities the kids were conceived in during their world tour.
The last scene of Shrek had Donkey & Dragon with their mixed breed offspring.
I'm thinking part2 had that as they had only just met in the middle of the first movie and had only even been mentioned as a couple at the end of it. It didn't leave enough time to have kids.
From the wiki on Shrek2: Before part of the credits roll, a lonely-feeling Donkey is shown alone crying and singing "All By Myself." Puss tries to cheer him up but he is just not in the mood to hang out with him. Dragon arrives at the area and is reconciled with Donkey. Then, Dragon shows her husband a group of six dragon-like donkey hybrid babies called dronkeys, implying that her previous moodiness were actually signs of pregnancy. After the screen turns black, Donkey comically says, "I gotta get a job."
Also from wikipedia: Dronkey: Dronkeys are the hybrid offspring of Dragon and Donkey from the Shrek film series. Making their debut at the very end of Shrek 2, the dronkeys will feature more prominently in the subsequent films, albeit still as minor characters. The two females Coco and Debbie, and the three males Peanut, Parfait and Bananas show the obvious influence of their father in choosing names.