It's SANTA!!!


Staff member
We went down to the town Christmas Tree lighting ceremony last night (and froze our asses off! :eek13: ).

I hadn't been sure about the young'un this year and how he'd take it, he's been reporting a lot of rumours from schoolmates about Santa and his not existing and all.

But Santa got out of the oooooooold fire truck and his face lit up, and I knew then that I've got him for another year anyway. YAY!

It'll be a sad day when I find that none of them are into the whole Santa thing anymore.

(oh, and the horse drawn sleigh ride is NOT worth the lineup. :errrr: )
My mom still labels stuff from Santa. We give her gifts from "Santa" too. It's fun :)
Leslie said:
I hadn't been sure about the young'un this year and how he'd take it, he's been reporting a lot of rumours from schoolmates about Santa and his not existing and all.

But Santa got out of the oooooooold fire truck and his face lit up, and I knew then that I've got him for another year anyway. YAY!

It'll be a sad day when I find that none of them are into the whole Santa thing anymore.

You mean...that stuff those mean kids in fifth grade was TRUE??!!!

Be damned. Next thing I know, y'all will be saying that the moon ain't really made of green cheese...
She's right ya know:

There was a man lived in the moon, in the moon, in the moon.
There was a man lived in the moon, and his name was Aiken Drum.

His hair was made of spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti.
His hair was made of spaghetti and his name was Aiken Drum.

His nose was made of swiss cheese, swiss cheese, swiss cheese,
His nose was made of swiss cheese, and his name was Aiken Drum.

His eyes were made of meatballs, meatballs, meatballs.
His eyes were made of meatballs, and his name was Aiken Drum.

His mouth was made of pizza, pizza, pizza.
His mouth was made of pizza, and his name was Aiken Drum.