It's started...


Staff member
...the job applying...

If you have any spare good vibes channel them towards my resumes so I'll get some call backs!
*concentrates real hard*'ll either get a call back, or arrested...not sure which....
Spot said:
*concentrates real hard*'ll either get a call back, or arrested...not sure which....

Well, I haven't done anything to be arrested for so it should be a call back :D
*concentrates reaaaalllly hard and sends good vibes her way*

great I gotta pee ...

I'm a little unfamilar with Canadian rules, but if you want someone to review your resume' (CV), I'm available. God knows I've seen enough of them.
HomeLAN said:
I'm a little unfamilar with Canadian rules, but if you want someone to review your resume' (CV), I'm available. God knows I've seen enough of them.

Thanks! What's your email?
Got my first thumbs down already...not because of ME or my resume but because of my location...the place is in Edmonton and they don't fly people in for junior position interviews...but he did say if I'm ever in town to stop by and they'll give me a tour...*sigh*

He did say my resume looked REALLY good though.
Nixy didn't vote conservative, so I doubt she'd call the PM her PM... kinda like how so many liberals here say Bush isn't their president.
Inkara1 said:
Nixy didn't vote conservative, so I doubt she'd call the PM her PM... kinda like how so many liberals here say Bush isn't their president.

I never called any Prime Minister MY Prime Minister...always THE Prime Minister...