It's time to stop the Madness!!!

Actually i've given this some thought as well. It's a good AvAtAR it just needs a little more resolution.
ohhh. that's good. But I hate to give up the one I've got. It really does describe the way I look most of the time.
Mirlyn said:

I just need to break down and buy a digital camera.
Get one at Best Buy...take a pic...take it back. I hear they have a lovely return policy. :D
Q said:
Mirlyn said:

I just need to break down and buy a digital camera.
Get one at Best Buy...take a pic...take it back. I hear they have a lovely return policy. :D
:laugh: Now that you mention it.....hmmmmm ;)

The only problem I could run into is the 15% restocking fee. Shouldn't be any trouble though.
Squiggy said:
I can remove the script if you want, Mirlyn...
Oh whatever I end up using will probably be subject to my L33T Ph0T0$h0P 5K1LLZ. :retard:

Thanks though! Perhaps I should just say "I'm taking any and all submissions for ye olde avatar into consideration."

There, I said it. Show me what you got. :D