Jack Johnson


Well-Known Member
If you haven't heard of him, you've been living in a barn *L*

He's a former pro-surfer turned musician and he is a great guitarist ... go get his CD .. it's fabuphreakinglous :)
I didn't say Jack was the King .. but you're right - Dick Dale is the King of Surf music ...

Jack Johnson is the shit though .. mellow .. easy ... the kind of music you listen to when you're in a bathtub sipping on wine ...
If you haven't heard of him, you've been living in a barn *L*


the kind of music you listen to when you're in a bathtub sipping on wine ...

For the bathtub I like Natural Calamity's Peach Head . Hard to find, but worth the look. Very sensual...
Jack Johnson was at a music fest I went to a few months ago near Palm Springs. He came on to early though and we were still trekking around the Joshua Trees.

I'll check him out.