Janeane will need a doctor


molṑn labé
Staff member

O'REILLY: If you are wrong… and if the United States - and they will, this is going to happen - goes in, liberates Iraq [with] people in the street, American flags, hugging our soldiers… you gonna apologize to George W. Bush?

GARAFALO: I would be so willing to say, "I'm sorry". I hope to God that I can be made a buffoon of, that people will say, "You were wrong. You were a fatalist". And I will go to the White House on my knees on cut glass and say, "Hey, you and Thomas Friedman were right… I shouldn't have doubted you"…

Y'know, I enjoy Janeane's work, but what in the world is it that makes so many empty-headed celebrities think they have the inside track to the truth? Shitheads con't even work for a living.
Well what do you expect? These people are praised all day long by the people around them as if they were great wise souls. I love my movies but have little respect for most in hollywood. She's like that cheap whore down on the corner you just need for a little while but otherwise wouldn't be seen with.

I'm sorry, It was wrong of me to categorize all whores in such fashion.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I loved the Factor until O'REILLY'S head swelled to the size of a small moon.

guest: "I have proof that you are wrong."

o'reilly: "is that so, well mr/ms/miss/mrs smarty-pants, it's my show & you're done."

that about cover it :D
HeXp£Øi± said:
I loved the Factor until O'REILLY'S head swelled to the size of a small moon.
You could plot an orbit around that sucker! (I guess I should be ashamed that I still watch it from time to time.)
HeXp£Øi± said:
I'm sorry, It was wrong of me to categorize all whores in such fashion.
Thank you. I know a few and I would rather spend time with most of them than with most of "the beautiful people."
It's to bad too because O'reilly's a shrewd guy. The problem is that he acts as if all of his conslcusions are final and absolute. Then, instead of attempting to get his point across his goal is to shame the person when he should be attempting to sway them with the facts.
I lost respect for him when I saw Charlie Rangel call him a socialist, and found myself agreeing with Charlie Rangel. O'Reilly was saying that the solution to the health care crisis was to build government-run clinics. :rolleyes:

He doesn't have any political principles that I can see. He's just got some hodge-podge, least-common-denominator sort of populism going on. I don't know what it is, but it damn sure isn't capitalism.
I love that "we'll get along fine as soon as you admit I'm right" attitude. In fact, I love it so much I use it all the time myself. Works about as well for me as it does for you, Gonz.:D
Gonz said:
*something witty & remarkably enlightening*
Hey Gonz, at the risk of being branded a plagarist, I'm going to steal that for my "boilerplate" file. I kind of like it.
Good article, flavio. I don't have a problem with a celebrity expressing their views as a citizen, that's everyone's right. The problem I have is when they try to use their celebrity to give their statements added weight. Now, this is at least partly subjective, but not completely. It has happened before and will happen again. If Janeane wuold have said; "Hey, I'm against the war, it's a bad idea" that would have been fine. It was the way she said it that I found offensive.
chcr said:
"Hey, I'm against the war, it's a bad idea" that would have been fine.

Exactly. When asked a question an honest answer is appropriate. When your feelings become a career, don't bitch about the consequences