Jindal: 0bama told us not to criticize him on TV


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In an interview this morning on Glenn Beck’s radio show, Bobby Jindal said that at a meeting with the President during the gulf oil spill, that he and the President of Plaquemines Parish were told specifically by Obama not to go on TV and criticize him.

Question: did I hear that he also said something to the effect that “you’d better not make it sound like he didn’t care about people…” did, did he say something along those lines to you?

Jindal: Yeah. He… there were two interactions that were surreal to me. The second time he came to the state after the (unintelligible) ended his meeting by basically telling me and the Parish President of (unintelligible) Parish that he didn’t want to see us going on TV to criticize him.

Now, he was very specific, he said he was mad that we kept going… he didn’t want to see us on CNN, so I’m assuming Glenn, that we can still go on FOX and other channels, and criticize him, but apparently he was frustrated that we were going on TV to criticize him, his first visit, down there… the very first time he comes to Louisiana after the oil spill, he pulls me aside, and a publicity stunt, he’s is angry, and I can understand if he was angry about the bureaucratic response, the oil spill, the loss of life, Glenn, I would’ve understood that, it would have made sense to me.

He was angry about a bureaucratic letter about food stamps, he said “careful, this is going to get bad for all of us,” Glenn, you got a White House, a President, that seem more worried about perception and politics, rather than actually cutting through the red tape, and in the book Leadership In Crisis I’ve got all kinds of stories of red tape and bureaucracy, which cannot move quickly… (end)