Juice Box


Too cute for words
My granddaughter wants a Juice Box for her birthday (she'll be ten). It's a Mattel "personal media player." Anybody have one or anyone familiar with them? I need to know. :D
The Juice Box will come with sampler video content when purchased. Additional content, which will be available for purchase in a price range of $9.99 to $24.99, will be accessible via special “Juiceware” media cards which can play almost three hours of content and plug into a special slot on the portable video player.
I hate this tactic myself. This is where they take you to the cleaners. The cost of the unit is ok, and I'm sure the unit is absophreakinglutely wonderful, but to keep her amused, the cost is likely to be prohibitive for most.

Yep, I think I'd just talk her into a regular MP3 player, get alot more use out of it and won't have to buy just the music they have for it.
Too late, wife already bought one.
Why does she ask me about this shit if she already knows what she's going to do?

Never mind. :lloyd:
chcr said:
Too late, wife already bought one.
Why does she ask me about this shit if she already knows what she's going to do?

Never mind. :lloyd:
LOL, wouldn't want you to think your opinion doesn't matter. Not that it does, but she wouldn't want you to think that.
Yep, once the wife has committed to an electronics purchase the only thing left to do is to make it work. Now, you do have the option of buying an mp3 player, ripping this Mattell thing open and swapping the guts between it and the mp3 player, thereby giving the child a useful gift, and maintaining that your wife actually purchased it, thereby making her the electronics whiz for the next month or so.
That's ...... actually not such a bad idea. Right up until she tries to swap song chips with a friend.
PT said:
Yep, once the wife has committed to an electronics purchase the only thing left to do is to make it work. Now, you do have the option of buying an mp3 player, ripping this Mattell thing open and swapping the guts between it and the mp3 player, thereby giving the child a useful gift, and maintaining that your wife actually purchased it, thereby making her the electronics whiz for the next month or so.

Note that the Mattel thing plays video too. I'll fool (ooh, maybe I should put that differently) with it and see what I can come up with.

In any case, with us it's software. She sees a program she likes and buys it, then it's up to me to learn how it works so I can tell her how she's going to use 5% or so of the actual features. :lloyd:
What she should have bought her:
