Jump To First Unread Post....disappears?


Well-Known Member
After about 15 mins of browsing the forum, the Jump to First Unread Post link in the upper left completely disappears. I've tried flushing cookies, but it doesn't help. Anything I could be missing in the CP? It's only done it since we've switched to the new vB.

Bugs me, when it comes to catching up after a few days of work and I have to scroll through lots of posts/pages to get to the ones I haven't read yet. :)

Thankyas! :headbang:
I increased the cookie timeout to 9000 seconds (2.5 hours), see if that does it for ya. :beerbang:

Cookies are about the worst way to store stuff like mark read info, but nobody has rewritten the persistent mark read hack for vB3 yet, so we gotta hang in there.
Thanks, I forgot to post about that before. I do the same thing, look at posts for a while and come back to it later if I'm at work and get sidetracked. Damn co-workers, how dare they interrupt while I'm trying to post!!
I know what you mean, the bastards. You'd think people would have some respect.
Yeah, especially that guy with the "Management" tag. Who the hell does he think he's boss of anyway? Everybody there should know by now you've gotta get your OTC fix in every day. :hmm:
fury said:
I increased the cookie timeout to 9000 seconds (2.5 hours), see if that does it for ya. :beerbang:

Did you by chance increase it again? I show new posts from 11 this morning.