Jury duty


I've never been called for jury duty because I turned 18 last year. However, it interests me. Anyone got any tales to tell?
Not me, i've only been on the other side in a court room :D :D

The only time I got called, I ended up on a divorce case. Georgia and Texas, the only two states in the union where two people can waste a jury's time on a divorce. :rolleyes:

They argued for 2 days, the wife's lawyer wanted to put a casette taped conversation into evidence, the other shyster objected. They slugged it out with the judge for an hour and a half while we ate doughnuts in another room, and ended up settling the case.

Turns out these two morons were going through this dog and pony show for less then $10k in marital assets. :rolleyes: again.

If you're on the registered voter roles, you will eventually be called.
I don't know about the other states, but in Florida you don't have to be registed to vote to be called for jury duty. I guess they use drivers licenses instead.
I think in California, they can get it from the voter rolls, the driver's license info or from a third source, which I've forgotten.
Originally posted by HomeLAN
The only time I got called, I ended up on a divorce case. Georgia and Texas, the only two states in the union where two people can waste a jury's time on a divorce. :rolleyes:

LOL! Aren't those also two of the four states where people are obsessed with incest???? (along with Mississippi and Alabama) :D :D
I was summoned last Wednesday down to the courthouse and was up for selection for an aggravated battery/attempted first degree murder case, but they agreed on the jury before my name ever came up to be questioned, and I didn't have to stay after that. :cool: I bet if I had been called, I would've been on the jury.
I got put on telephone standby last summer. My group got let off, so I'll probably get another summons this year.
Originally posted by DuronClocker
LOL! Aren't those also two of the four states where people are obsessed with incest???? (along with Mississippi and Alabama) :D :D

Ever seen Deer Hunter ? :D


Wrong Movie. Deer Hunter was more Pennsylvania/New Yorkish.

You are thinking of Deliverance.

I've been in Georgia for 32 years. I don't recall any obsession with incest.
Originally posted by unclehobart
Wrong Movie. Deer Hunter was more Pennsylvania/New Yorkish.

You are thinking of Deliverance.

I've been in Georgia for 32 years. I don't recall any obsession with incest.

Really? Nudge your sister awake as see if she agrees.