Jus' realized today that we still need to get our marriage license......


New Member
Sheesh! I completely forgot!:eek:

I heard today that it takes some time, so I'm gonna call tomorrow, to find out the requirements.

Here we are, 19 days from exchangin' vows when my future mother-in-law brought up this timely topic!

Thank God! Like, jus' what we needed, to arrive at the church, havin' experienced all the preparation for the Day an' even the Day itself, only to later discover we'd neglected such an' important "trivial", thing as this!!

*tries to remember, bring birth certificate, ID, $$, what else?*:rolleyes: ?(
Gonz said:
She will have to take medical tests
Not everywhere. Missouri doesn't require blood tests anymore. Just both have to show up to get the license, you have to wait a week, but not more than a month, I think.
This is where wedding planners make all their money. I went with a church wedding. The minister took care of all of that.
Professur said:
This is where wedding planners make all their money. I went with a church wedding. The minister took care of all of that.

We printed out an itenerary (sp), that has prompted us, for each step, as it evaluates monthly goals to be accomplished.

Guess it only works, when ya actually READ it.

I had kept a better account, 'til about 2-3 months ago, when I mistakenly, thought all the "important" stuff was, in the bag, then, I obviously started neglectin' to refer to it...........

Thank God, for such an aware mother-in-law!!:)
Gonz said:
IN still tests the wimins...at least they did back in '90.

Actually, I learned today, all that is required of her, is a paper, signed at the docs. office, confirmin' the she 'as had her TB shot. (not sure why, but anyway.......)

Otherwise, we both need to provide Driver's License, fill out the app., an' ofcourse, contribute our $18.00.

Process which takes about 30 mins. After that, approval, an' out the door.

Will do this comin' Friday aft.

YAY!! (18 DAYS!!):D :D
they affraid she 's gonna bite ya? There isnt to much to getting hitched anymore, all you gotta do is have some cash. Back in the day youd have to give your left nut and her father would have to hand over some sheep or goats.:D :D
When Brandi and I got our marriage license, all we had to do is show ID, fill out a form saying who weand our parents were and where we all were from, and a few other questions. Then we had to pay some money and answer a few questions to a deputy county clerk, and the license was issued right then. The only reason it took an hour is because we had to walk down the street to the bank to get the cash. For a few more dollars, we could have gotten married right there in the county clerk's office. All we'd have needed were some signatures from two people over 18, and we could have gotten that from the other people in the waiting room.