Just for Gonz


Southern Discomfort
I know what a fan you are, so when I saw this I figured I better bring it to your attention. So just calm down, have a nice low-carb muffin, and pray that it all works out, m'kay?


Couric second-guesses CBS move some days

Katie Couric says the move to CBS would have been less appealing if she had known she'd be doing the more traditional "CBS Evening News" broadcast that she anchors now.

"People are very unforgiving and very resistant to change," Couric said in an interview with New York magazine. "The biggest mistake we made is we tried new things."

Couric's move to CBS has been a bust so far. The evening newscast's ratings are deep in third place, and CBS has rolled back some of the changes it made last fall to shake up the format. Couric conducts fewer interviews, an outside opinion segment was scrapped and the anchor admits she's even dressing down a little to give her critics less ammunition.
Mebbe she'll go back to perkying (is that aword?) up the morning & giving us her witty insight. Lord knows I've missed it. I haven't seen Katy since 1987 or '88.

Drudge said:
Sun Jul 08 2007 19:44:52 ET

CBS EVENING NEWS anchor Katie Couric is being accused of slapping an editor -- after he injected a word she detested into a script!

"The stress has caused her to blow up at her staff for small infractions on the set," charges NEW YORK magazine reporter Joe Hagan, in a story set for publication on Monday.

"During the tuberculosis story in June, Couric got angry with news editor Jerry Cipriano for using a word she detested— 'sputum' —and the staff grew tense when she began slapping him 'over and over and over again' on the arm, according to a source familiar with the scene. It had seemed like a joke at first, but it quickly became clear that she wasn’t kidding."

A top CBS executive tells the DRUDGE REPORT that no formal complaint has been filed against Couric over the incident.

"I sort of slapped him around,” Couric admits to the magazine. “I got mad at him and said, 'You can’t do this to me. You have to tell me when you’re going to use a word like that.' I was aggravated, there's no question about that.' But she says she has a good relationship with Cipriano. 'We did ban the word sputum from all future broadcasts. It became kind of a joke."

A CBS insider says Couric slapped the staffer in a playful manner.

"Look, it wasn't serious, whatsoever."

The magazine fronts the nearly 6,000-word expose with the headline: "I have days when I'm like, 'Oh my God, What did I do?' KATIE COURIC'S IMPOSSIBLE YEAR"
