Just four more days


Staff member

The phone jack in my room is broken and has been for awhile and as such I do not have a phone in my room. So, the phone just rang, it had to be one of three things...someone selling something, someone calling for my mom or someone calling for my brother. My brother is on the cellphone in his room so he doesn't answer the house phone. Like, FUCK how hard is it to ask whoever is on the cell to hang on a sec since it's either gonna be a simple case of telling the seller we're not interested and hanging up, telling someone that my mom is at work tonight OR it's gonna be for him ANYWAY. But NOOOOOO he lets it ring and I have to run out across the fucking house to get to the phone! Turns out it was for my mom, like a whole 5 seconds out of his conversation (when I just spent 30 MINUTES sitting in a parking lot waiting for him to get out of work) to save me almost breaking my fucking neck running out across the slippery hardwood. I can't wait until I'm OUT OF HERE, when he has to take the bus home everyday that my mom works maybe then he'll fucking appreciate me! I missed my show tonight waiting for him at work and he can't even turn around in his chair and pick up a phone!
If I can help it at all, I ain't answering the phone either. If I had my way, we wouldn't even have one (though they are handy for emergencies). I know that 97% of the time when it rings it ain't for me anyway. Let the ones who use it answer it.

I will, of course, get the damn thing if they are busy...
I never answer the phone either, if it is for me, they'll call to my mobile.
When the home line rings it is not for us 98% of the time...why do we have it? That is beyond me.
To answer the questions...no, my mom doesn't guilt trip me into it...my mom doesn't MAKE or GUILT me into doing anything. She has however let me live here rent free for 7 months (6 of which I was employed) so I don't mind doing things every so often to make her life easier and/or to keep her from having to hear my brother bitch. 7 min driving is a good 20-30min walking and it has been fairly chilly as of late.