Just kill me now


molṑn labé
Staff member
Nobody under 30 knows where the Mason Dixon line is or what it represents. OK, that's easily cureable. However, shouldn't every American graduating high school, hell, elementary school be versed in the Constitution? They need to send out copies to every house in America & tell them there's a test on Tuesday. This is just plain ignorant.

The majority opinions of Americans should influence decisions of the Supreme Court, three-fourths of the people in a new poll say. Most people think public opinion now has little influence on the court.

Scare yourself
Bah....Ashcroft is going to do away with the constitution anyway. It no longer has much relevance.
isnt the Mason Dixion line what separated the Union States with the Confedarates and is on the Pa Md border? thats what i learned. the constitution is of the utmost importance in my eyes. everyone should know their rights in any country.
Part of the problem, I think, is that (at least, in my former school district) we studied the Constitution in the 8th grade. The problem with this is that in 8th grade you're really too young to really appreciate what it is you're learning, so you learn it by rote. In high school later on, you then gradually forget anyway.
Bha, where I am, every year we are given a littel booklet that states what the current constitution is, and what our rights are blah blah blah... but the question is, since the goverment is so corrupt, where's the use in knowing it at all.

Although it would be useful to know the whole constitution backwards off by heart, there are many that belive they won't really have the need for it, and so won't bother knowing it anyway.

(basing knowledge on SAafrican goverment before I get my head bitten off ;) )
Vortex said:
what the current constitution

If it changes often, it's not worth the paper it's written on.

watches Votex dance & realizes how they got the headless chicken dance
Well they can't decide what to do with everyone. For example, prisoners get yjeir rights changed every so often. I dunno, the goverment thinks they are doing the country good, I think they're wasting money amd time! :shrug:
Y'know, I quote the constitution at people from time to time. Usually I get an expression as if to say "What idiot thought up that nonsense." Yes, I said "at", not "to" and yes, I understand the difference. Professur, do you by any chance know where the quote "Everyone is an idiot except for me and you, and I'm not that sure about you" comes from? I may not have it word for word, but that's the gist. I've been quoting it for years, but can't remember where I originally heard it.
I thought the Mason/Dixon line was where your jr high girlfriend told you where your hands had to stop.

Guys weren't allowed to go south of the line, even though their southern parts were becoming engorged.

But we kept trying.

Hence the saying "The South will rise again"

And again.