Just waiting for a video card...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... Eek! This is it! I got the stuff I ordered from The Overclocking Store UK just now. But I'm a bit miffed with them.

My original order was delayed because they were out of blue round single ended floppy cables, so I waited nearly a week and then got fed up, so I changed the order for the ata and floppy cables to ALL silver. Well the guy at the store says fine, we've done that and upgrades my Artic Silver 3 from 3 to 6 grams in compensation for the delay. So I'm happy, or was!

So what happens when I get it this morning? The prats sent me blue ata cables and CHARGED me for upgrading the AS. Humph!

The cables I can live with but it's a bit fucking rich charging me for an upgrade which I didn't ask for and that's supposed to be in compensation. So I complained (most un-English thing to do) and I'll shop elswhere in future. (not had a reply yet)

Anyway, now I'm just waiting for the video card to replace the one in this rig so I can use this one in my new rig. :D

Oh, and I found a new manual data switch and cables (KVM) to use on my keyboard, monitor and mouse for switching between towers for £16 inc postage on eBay. Considerably better than £75 don't you think?
Aunty, The Overclocking Store UK is based in Sheffield. I'm going back home sometime in the next couple of days (Sheffield :D), and I'm going in OCS, so I'll give 'em an ass-kicking from you! :D
Basically I got:

2x ata/66/100/133 round cables - blue
1x akasa round fdd - single ended - silver
1x Socket a shim - to protect my core
2x YS-tech silent fans (<20dBa)
AS3 6g

The prices were much the same as the other stores except that the others don't have the shims and they send it on free 1-3 day delivery, which is what swung it in their favour.

Oh and thanks for the offer Jon but I've just had a very nice email apology and a refund of the difference so you don't need to kick their butts for me. It was probably just a genuine mistake. :D
Re: Just waiting for a sound card...

Aunty Em said:
Oh, and I found a new manual data switch and cables (KVM) to use on my keyboard, monitor and mouse for switching between towers for £16 inc postage on eBay. Considerably better than £75 don't you think?

Yeah - but be careful if it's a passive KVM, they quite often suck (image ghosting etc). Active units are much better.
I've been busy... :D

Just needs the drives, ata cables and a video card, then I can see if she starts. If all goes OK and I get as far as loading an OS I'll add the lighting, but that may not be till monday.
Re: Re: Just waiting for a sound card...

ipmoof said:
Yeah - but be careful if it's a passive KVM, they quite often suck (image ghosting etc). Active units are much better.

sound advice

Aunty i'd stay away from overclockers.co.uk, a while back my cousin ordered 2 XP 2700+ chips ( in a rather large order as well) and they sent one only and refused to take rensponsibility for it, i think he had to call his card company and get em to stop the payment for the one chip, not 100% sure of the outcome atm (haven't seen him in a while), also they did'nt send a video card which they claimed to have in stock at ordering time but sent a note instead saying they were out and it would follow soon, also their delivery takes like a week sometimes :rolleyes:
ipmoof said:
Yeah - but be careful if it's a passive KVM, they quite often suck (image ghosting etc). Active units are much better.

I was speaking to the guy in the shop and he was telling me that they use a keyboard/monitor switch and seperate mouse in their workshop as when switching the mouse can sometimes drop out and you have to reboot to have it recognised. He recommended Belkin switches - I'll have to talk to my brother, he works for Rapid Electronics who are the largest suppliers in this area. He got me a manual 2 into 1 parallel data switch really cheap a couple of years back with his staff discount. I still have it... somewhere...

Thanks for the advice Justin, I'll steer clear of them unless they have something I just can't find anywhere else.

No sign of the video cards yet so it will be late next week probably friday before I can finish this, as I have tons of homework that needs doing and then I'm tied up all day wednesday and thursday, but I'm happy with progress so far. :)