Just when you thought they'd hit the bottom


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Woman jailed over flour-filled condoms settles suit

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A young woman who was arrested and jailed for three weeks on drug charges for what turned out to be flour-filled condoms has settled a lawsuit against the city for US$180,000, according to a media report.

Janet Lee was a first-year student at Bryn Mawr College in 2003 when she tried to take three condoms filled with flour - used as a toy by students at the women's college to squeeze when they were stressed about exams - in her carry-on bag on a flight to Los Angeles. Airport screeners found the condoms, and authorities said initial tests showed they contained drugs.

The trial had been scheduled to begin Thursday.

Lee, now a 21-year-old senior, told The Philadelphia Inquirer on Wednesday that she did not know that drug dealers often carry drugs in condoms(obviously she doesn't own a TV), and that she had just packed them because she thought they were funny and wanted to show friends at home.

"I was naive, really stupid," Lee said.

Police at the time said field tests showed opium and cocaine, and Lee was held for 21 days on drug trafficking charges until later tests showed that she was telling the truth.

"Under the circumstances, something went terribly wrong," Lee's lawyer, Jeffrey Ibrahim, told the newspaper. "We're trying to ensure that nothing like that ever happens again."

Lynne Sitarski, a lawyer for the city, said the city is not admitting wrongdoing or liability.


"I was naive, really stupid,"

This is a college student. Claims she didn't know drugs are smuggled in swallowed condoms. What planet has she been living on? Anyone here not know this? And carrying a white powder in any unmarked container???

And then, how the fuck does flour test positive for opium? Add a cop or two to the idiot list as well.

But all's well. Stupidity has prevailed and netted an idiot $180,000 of taxpayers hard won dollars because of another idiot.
only $180k?
whats a year at Bryn Mawr cost?
either that or she had a really bad lawyer. that should have been worth at least a million for "emotional distress".
Well, there's certainly no law against college students being stupid but my initial reaction is: "Bullshit!" This bitch was testing a smuggling system and it didn't work.
They can still put her away. 99% of all non foodstuffs have that little line item saying that it is unlawful to use an item for other than what it was intended... granted, such things are really just lawsuit protectionist talk from the companies themselves just in case someone OD's on meds or strangles themselves with a power cord or something.
She should have just told um she was friends with Mikey, and she could
have gotten out the same day, with no bail.:p
I wonder if she has 7 Muslim friends from Phoenix who like to fly thru Minneapolis.

Too many people trying to test the system.